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Harry's p.o.v:

It was the night of the VMAs. I was walking through the crowds of busy people to find my seat just after the  terrifying red carpet. I found the piece of card that said 'Harry Styles' and sat down. I was placed with the isle on my left and Ed on my right, which was good because we were mates. 

It didn't occur to me to look to see who was assigned next to him until it was too late. And of course, it had to be Taylor.  Of course it did. Was there any way to go to the VMAs and not see Taylor? She's basically the queen of award shows - except the Grammys, or Scammys, as some people like to call them. I wasn't sure if Taylor sitting two seats away from me was a good omen, or a bad omen for tonight. She could have brought good luck, or bad luck for the time. Probably the latter - this was all just a disaster waiting to happen. Taylor and Ed were both in on some joke I didn't get, which didn't seem to bother me. It was good to see Taylor happy. But not so good seeing her happy without  me.

"Hazza!" Ed said, clapping his hand to mine in a sort of handshake-high five hold. "Good to see you again mate."

"You too, Eddie." I said, not really paying attention to the person i was addressing. I stared nervously at Taylor, waiting to see if she would look back. Our eyes locked for a split second, before i looked away cowardly. In that second, i saw her piercing blue eyes, and her crimson red lips. Her beautiful cheeks with just the right amount of makeup, not that she needs makeup at all. She's perfect. I saw her blood rushing to her cheeks, and her mouth open nervously. I made her nervous. That was another thing i wasn't sure was good or bad. 

a/n: This one's short too, sorry about that. The next chapter will be the same scene, except from Taylor's point of view, and then i'll continue from there, making it longer (what i said just then made no sense but you'll figure it out lmao)

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