fifty five

749 16 4

Taylor's p.o.v:

"You okay?" Harry asked me. We were eating lunch and i had just ran to the bathroom to vomit. This was so random?! There wasn't even a bug going around. I was so tired of being sick. Ugh!

"I don't know what's happing." I was sitting on the bathroom floor, crying. "I'm sorry for crying! I'm a mess."

"I love you." Harry said. "I'm here for you, baby. Always."

"I'm not even sad!" I spat, annoyed at the world. "I'm seeing my amazing fans every night, performing to them. Living a dream life with my dream job and a dream boyfriend. I'm the happiest i've ever been!"

"Oh." Harry said. He stood up, stiffly. He walked around me, and his breath pace doubled, then tripled "I see now."

"What the fuck is going on, Harry?"

"When was the last time you got your period?"

"A month ago." I shrugged. "I was actually expecting it a few days ago, but it's late again ugh. Late periods are the worst. But i don't see how this is relevant. What's the big d - OH!"

"Well, we got there in the end." Harry smiled and sat back down next to me on the cold bathroom tiles.

"Shit." I gasped. "Harry?"

"Yes, love?"

"Do you think i could possibly be pregnant?"

"I do." He nodded. "Protection doesn't always work."

"And what would you say if i was?"

"I'd say that it's fucking great!" He laughed. "A little legend inside you!"

"Shit, don't say it like that." I said, and the tears started again. "That shit scares me."

"We're in this together, yeah?"

"No! You're not the one who has to carry this baby inside you for the next nine months!" I snapped. "And you're not the one who has to give a very long, painful birth."

"I'm sorry." Harry said. "You're right. But i'll do what i can. I know it's not enough, but i'll try my best."

"No, Harry." I sighed, grabbing his hand. "I'm sorry. I'm being a bitch now. Do you think you'll be able to deal with my crazy mood swings for nine months?"

"I'll manage." He smiled, kissing me. "Do you have a pregnancy test by any chance?"

"Yes." I nodded, making him raise his eyebrows. "Selena gave me some. She wanted to make sure i was - quote - 'prepared.'"

"Hah!" Harry burst out laughing. "Well i gotta admit that Niall did give me a condom or two. I got one as a birthday present!"

"Woah." I giggled. "Niall's a funny dude."

"A good fella." He nodded. "Do you know how him and Selena are going?"

"They're good i hope." I pursed my lips. "I haven't spoken to Selena in a while actually. I should text her."

"Well do your test first!"

"Yes, sir."

a/n: shit chapter but the next one is better dw

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