thirty four

776 16 3

Harry's p.o.v:

I stared down into Taylor's brilliant blue eyes as they opened for the first time in 3 weeks. It felt more like eternity, but they were open now so that was the main thing. I wasn't sure if I would ever let her fall asleep again. Taylor smiled brightly, as i started crying.

"Harry." Taylor croaked. "What's wrong?"

"I just-" I sobbed. I wasn't usually much of a cryer, but this was all just very emotional. "I just love you so much it hurts."

"I love you too, Harry." She stroked my hand. "So much."

"I'm so sorry for everything. It's all my fault, how the truck hit you, and i swerved so it hit you instead of me. If i was looking at the road the whole time it would never have happened. I hate myself so much for this. And i won't ask for forgiveness, because i don't deserve it. I don't-"

"HARRY!" Taylor yelled. Uh oh, i was about to be told off. "Harry. We're forever. Of course i'm forgiving you, whether you like it or not. So suck it up."

I cupped her delicate (isn't it isn't it isn't it) face in my hands, and kissed her forehead gently. It was hard to be gentle when all i really wanted to do was bite her face off. Not in an aggressive way, more of an affectionate way. Ok, i had to admit that that sounded a bit violent, but it had good intentions.

Andrea, Scott, Austin, Selena, Gigi and Niall walked in, which i took as my cue to leave. I didn't want to get too attached to Taylor right before i had to end the whole relationship. It was hard enough as is, no need to rub salt in it.

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