Chapter 11: Ain't No Mountain High Enough

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I love Guardians of The Galaxy, so yes, that video is the soundtrack version of the song. If I'm not alone here, thank gay god. :3

A Marvin Gaye songfic wherein Gio goes home from tour early due to...unforeseen circumstances. AKA, Gio finds out it's twins (blame @idefinedrag) and yeets himself on the next flight home because he's too damn excited. January of 2019

Ain't no valley low, ain't no river wide enough baby

If you need me call me no matter where you are

No matter how far don't worry baby

Just call my name I'll be there in a hurry

You don't have to worry

You had known that not only would there be one addition to your family, but two, for about a week. Now, you just had to figure out how to tell Gio...while he was on tour. Shit. What you decided to do was text him a picture of a t-shirt you thought couldn't be more fitting.

Gio! I got something for you-mind if I show you?

Not at all!

You took a breath before attaching the image.

You took a breath before attaching the image

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Surprise honey!

Oh my god...Y/N-it's twins?!

Yeah! money's on boy/girl.

I'm getting on a plane. I'm already excited for this, now I'm twice as excited-if you know what I mean.


You don't have to fly home...although I really want you to now!

You can't stop me now, babe! See you three soon!

You really did love that idiot. You couldn't wait to see him, though-and show him something else that may-or-may-not have made you cry.

 You couldn't wait to see him, though-and show him something else that may-or-may-not have made you cry

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'Cause baby there ain't no mountain high enough

Ain't no valley low enough

Ain't no river wide enough

To keep me from getting to you babe

Thoughts raced through Gio's head as he stared out the plane window. He was going to be a father-of twins. Not to mention, he would be welcoming twins with the love of his life. Nothing, except a cross-country flight, was going to stop him from getting home to the one-well, three most important people in his life.

Remember the day I set you free

I told you you could always count on me darling

From that day on, I made a vow

I'll be there when you want me

Some way, some how

When you met Giovanni after a break up, you became fast friends and even faster flirt-ers. From that day on, you made a vow, one would be there when the other wanted them, some way, some how. You never imagined that you'd be having twins with him-even if upon first glance, you'd be damned if he wasn't yours.

No wind, no rain

Or winters cold can stop me baby

'Cause you are my goal

If you're ever in trouble

I'll be there on the double

Just send for me

No matter how shitty the weather on that flight was, Gio didn't care. 'Cause you were his goal. If he needed you, you'd be there on the double. That was the beauty of your marriage-hell, your relationship in general.

My love is alive

Way down in my heart

Although we are miles apart

If you ever need a helping hand

I'll be there on the double

Just as fast as I can

Even when his flight got in, it still felt like Gio was thousands of miles away from you-and at one point, he was. He practically sped home from the airport, he was that on edge. The sheer excitement of having twins outweighed all the nerves, however. As soon as he saw you when he got back to the apartment, he literally ran to you and fucking squeezed you. "Can't--breathe---" You said, being dramatic. "Sorry...I!" He said, smiling as if it were one of the only things he could do. "You happy, babe?" You said, stating the obvious. "You think?" He said, laughing. "I wanna show you something--" You said, reaching behind you for the scan photo, handing it to Gio as soon as you had it. "Is this--is this them?" Gio asked, looking completely captivated by the small blobs that would eventually grow to become your children. "Yep." You said, smiling at how happy your husband looked. "They're so small..." He said, beginning to get emotional. "They're fetuses...they're supposed to be small." You said, laughing. "I know do I love them so damn much? They aren't even born yet!" He said, full on starting to cry as he leaned on your shoulder. "Because, doofus, parents love their kids as soon as they find out they're going to have the little ankle biters. It's just the psychology of loving one's offspring...or something...I don't really know." You attempted to explain. Gio laughed at your attempted explanation, before his mind came up with a developed one to why there was no mountain high enough to keep him from getting to you. Love. And to be honest? That was the explanation for half the shit he did for you.

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