Chapter 12: One Boy, One Girl

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Collin Raye songfic (prepare to sob hoes) wherein the gender of the twins is revealed

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Collin Raye songfic (prepare to sob hoes) wherein the gender of the twins is revealed. Featuring small flashbacks. March of 2019

First Flashback- June 2, 2016

He finally gave in to his friend's girlfriend

When she said, "there's someone you should meet"

At a crowded restaurant way cross town

He waited impatiently

She walked in their eyes met and they both stared

And right there and then everyone else disappeared, but

Giovanni had recently been dumped by a boyfriend, and his friend and his friend's girlfriend were refusing to let him wallow around in the break-up-blues. So when his friend's girlfriend said, "There's someone you should meet" in reference to her friend, Y/N, Gio finally gave in. There was a small Itallian place across town, packed, but thank god Gio had made reservations, huh? He waited what seemed like ages when suddenly, a young woman with piercing E/C eyes and beautiful H/C hair walked in and stared at him as she began to blush, her gaze being enough to turn Gio's face completely red as he stared back.

One boy, one girl, two hearts beating wildly

To put it mildly it was love at first sight

He smiled, she smiled and they knew right away

This was the day they'd waited for all their lives

For a moment the whole world revolved

Around one boy, and one girl

Time slowed, heartbeats accelerated. It was as if the two of them were the only people there, although they clearly weren't. For a moment the whole world revolved around one boy and one girl. Gio had learned the woman's name was Y/N and the two talked and talked until the end of the "date". Gio walked her home, they talked some more as they walked the bright and busy streets of New York City at 11 at night. Business as usual, huh?

Second Flashback- June 10, 2017

In no time at all they were standing there

In the front of a little church

Among their friends and family

Repeating those sacred words

Preacher said, "Son, kiss your bride", and he raised her veil

Like the night they met time just stood still for

In no time at all they were standing there; Y/N and Giovanni were getting married. Among their friends and family, repeating those sacred words...on a rooftop in New York City. As you do...

One boy, one girl, two hearts beating wildly

To put it mildly it was love at first sight

He smiled, she smiled and they knew right away

This was the day they'd waited for all their lives

For a moment the whole world revolved

Around one boy and one girl

As the two looked at each other, smiles spread across their faces widely, they knew right away this was the day they'd waited for all their lives.

Present Day- March 13, 2019

He was holding her hand when the doctor looked up and grinned

"Congratulations, twins"

One boy, one girl, two hearts beating wildly

To put it mildly it was love at first sight

Y/N and Gio had known for a short while they were expecting twins, and although shocking, it was almost expected, given Y/N had gotten pregnant artificially. What they didn't expect to hear was the loud-but-not-so-loud noise that filled the room. One boy, one girl, two hearts beating wildly. It was love at first sight, as such with their young family.

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