Chapter 10: Home

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"The pain you have been feeling can't compare to the joy that is coming." - Romans 8:18

No, Maybe, Yes--now to wait what the fertility clinic has to say!

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No, Maybe, Yes--now to wait what the fertility clinic has to say!

Phillip Phillips songfic wherein Giovanni is nervous about something the reader tells him, but something that will all the more, shall I say, make this place his home. AKA the pregnancy announcement chapter. [NOTE: The reader is about five weeks along at this point.] November of 2018

Hold on, to me as we go

As we roll down this unfamiliar road

And although this wave is stringing us along

Just know you're not alone

'Cause I'm going to make this place your home

As you and Gio stared at the three (yes three) tests in front of you in disbelief, then at each other, you couldn't help but feel faint. "Y/N...what do we-I'm-Oh my god!" Gio stuttered as he clutched your shoulders and looked into your eyes. "Babe, we still need to wait for a call from the fertility clinic. In the meantime, can you maybe not strangle my shoulders?" You said giggling. "Sorry, I'm just-I'm so damn excited, babe!" He said, practically squealing as he pulled you in for a hug. "I know! Oh god-I just remembered that it might be twins! If not, it's twice as likely to work! Gio...I'm 95% sure we're having a baby!" you said, unable to stop smiling. It was then that you felt your husband's body go slightly limp in your arms. "Gio, are you good?" You asked, concerned for him. "Yeah I just....wait, did they transfer two?" He asked, his body slightly falling in shock. "Yeah..." You said, smiling. "Babe!" He said, jumping straight up.

Settle down, it'll all be clear

Don't pay no mind to the demons

They fill you with fear

The trouble it might drag you down

If you get lost, you can always be found

You and Gio headed out of the bathroom hand in hand, practically falling onto bed, also hand in hand. "I love you." Gio smiled, looking into your eyes. "I love you too." You said, smiling back. Then your phone rang, and loud at that. You answered, seeing it looked similar to the number of the fertility clinic.

You put the caller on speaker phone as you and Gio sat up, completely not prepared for what you were about to hear. "Hello?" You inquired, your voice barely shaking, but your mind racing. Gio looked at you mouthing, "Are you okay?" in your direction, you only nodding in response. "Hi! This is Marie from New Hope fertility clinic in New York City. Is this Y/N Palandrani?" came a bubbly voice from the other line. Gio put an arm around your waist in reassurance. "Speaking." You said simply. "Great! We have the results of your last blood test." You could hear the smile in the operator's voice. Gio began to bite his nails. "Before we give you the blood test results, have you taken any over the counter tests in the last five weeks since the procedure?" Marie continued. "Yes. Three earlier this negative, one a faint positive and the last one a clear positive." You explained, Gio still right by your side, making sure you didn't have a panic attack. "Alright! Well, I think you'll find that the results of the test we did are also positive-congratulations! Your HcG levels are pretty high, but nothing that could be considered bad...I suspect you could be having twins, but you will have to wait until 12 weeks to find out for sure. You are about five weeks as of now, and we can get you in at six weeks at around 1:30 if that works?" You and Gio had a lot to take in, and as a result sat there for two minutes with your mouths wide open. Gio stared off into space while you finished on the phone, just taking it in.

Once you got off the phone, you started crying. Gio looked directly at you as soon as he heard the slightest sob. You could see the mix of excitement and terror in his eyes. "Babe, are you okay?" You asked, still shocked yourself. All you got in response was him literally jumping on you and peppering your face and neck with countless kisses. "Better than okay...I'm great-you're great...I love you." he said, smiling like an idiot. "I love you much." You said, smiling right back at your spouse. Turns out, with a little help from modern medicine, You could make this place your home.

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