Chapter 04: Marry Me

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Jason Derulo songfic (another first wow) wherein Gio debates asking the reader to marry him. Gio centric with elements of his friends freaking out and the reader picking up on le stress. March of 2017

105 is the number that comes to my head

When I think of all the years I wanna be with you

Wake up every morning with you in my bed

That's precisely what I plan to do

Giovanni Palandrani couldn't believe it. He had found someone he loved and wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He often woke up with her beside him, either sleeping or smiling. That woman, that was oh-so-wonderful to him was you, Y/N Y/L/N, and if Giovanni could put aside his insecurities, who knows? Maybe someday, he'd wake up next to Y/N Palandrani. That's precisely what he planned to do. Just not right now, despite his friends constantly encouraging him to.

And you know one of these days when I get my money right

Buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life

Will forever be enough, so there ain't no need to rush

But one day, I won't be able to ask you loud enough

Giovanni wasn't flat broke, that's for certain. He just wanted everything to be perfect. He wanted to give you that perfect everything. He knew he didn't need to rush this, but he didn't want to let a good thing go, you know? Only know your lover when you let her go and all that. Although, without letting her go, Giovanni was near certain he knew you to be more than just a lover. I mean, come on. Tell me that wanting to give someone everything, in every possible sense- tell me that if you wanted to do that, that they were only considered a "lover". No sweetie, that's far from it. Giovanni considered you the love of his life, one of his best friends, and you considered him to be the love of your life and best friend, too. Then someone tell the poor boy, why when it was so well-known that you loved him more than anything and in the way he loved you, that it was so difficult to make up his mind when it came to asking to spend the rest of his life with you?

I'll say will you marry me

I swear that I will mean it

I'll say will you marry me

When he would eventually ask you, Giovanni prayed for a miracle. Not that he had much to pray for here. Let's be honest, you were low-key waiting for him to pop the question. So when he suddenly became so agitated around you, you feared the worst. Not that you had to. "Gio, are you okay?" You asked one day, not feeling too sure whether he truly told you everything like he supposedly did. The other part of you, however, knew better. "Yeah. Why you asking?" He asked, the slightest tinge of wariness in his voice. "You've just been acting a little...weird. Are you sleeping around or something? I mean, I don't really think you are but...a girlfriend will worry." You explained. "Y/N, you know I wouldn't even try to sleep around, not even drunk. I just have a lot on my mind. Aquaria stuff, you know?" Smooth, Giovanni thought to himself. You trusted this however, knowing just how much energy he put into drag. "Okay. You can tell me if anything else is bothering you, hon." You smiled, leaving Giovanni feeling completely and utterly helpless.

How many girls in the world can make me feel like this?

Baby I don't ever plan to find out

The more I look, the more I find the reasons why

You're the love of my life

Giovanni couldn't help but wonder whenever you practically set his soul on fire like earlier, how many other girls, hell how many other people could make him feel like that? He didn't plan to find out. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, remember? The more he thought about you, hell anything anymore, the more he knew just how much you meant to him. You often found him pacing around before bed, unbeknownst to you, thinking about how he would go about making this known, causing you to worry. You weren't stupid. Was something going wrong with Aquaria? For a brief moment, you started to pick up on what he actually was worried about. For a short while (before shrugging it off, you insecure bitch), you thought he may be proposing. If only you knew...

And if I lost everything

In my heart it means nothing

'Cause I have you, girl I have you

So get right down on bended knee

Nothing else would ever be

Better, better

The day when I say

The defining moment when Giovanni was set on buying a ring to actually ask, came rather suddenly. When something went wrong with the club he often worked at as Aquaria (the manager being a douche), you comforted him. It was then he knew, as long as he had you, he would be okay. It was also then he knew, he needed to make sure he would always have you, for the rest of your lives. When he eventually did go out and buy a ring, he knew he would have to hide that box, but at the same time, make his intentions known, just not to you.

 When he eventually did go out and buy a ring, he knew he would have to hide that box, but at the same time, make his intentions known, just not to you

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