Chapter 14: Home, Finally...

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The twins finally get to go home after being in the hospital for two weeks, due to being born early, and shortly after Gio and the reader's anniversary. Win-win situation ayee! June of 2019

June 13, 2019

A month after they were born, Amanda and Aaron were finally okay to go home. Meanwhile, you were so relieved you were so close to crying actual tears of joy when you heard this. Gio, however, couldn't display even more of a mixture of complete fear and pure excitement as a nurse handed him Amanda. With Aaron in your arms and the twins' bag thrown over one shoulder, your own bag over the other, you asked your husband, "Ready to go?" with a smile. Returning the smile as he stood up with Amanda in his arms, he said, "You have no idea, love." Gio wasn't so certain however when he put Amanda in her carseat after seeing you put Aaron in his with relative ease. "Y/N, what if it's on too tight? What if I break her? What if--" "Gio, love, sweetie-do you need me to show you how to do it, honey?" You asked, trying to calm him down. "No, I've got it, I'm just paranoid..." He replied, fastening the baby's seatbelt. Amanda's eyes fluttered open to gaze at her father, who had, despite worrying his ass off, had gotten her secured in the seat. "See? You did it!" You said, smiling at Gio and Amanda. "Mandy, sweetie, is daddy a paranoid doofus?" You asked the infant as you laughed. "Shut up!" Gio laughed. "Seriously though, am I?" He asked his daughter, who only blinked and sort-of-smiled in response. Aaron was out cold but Gio still kissed him and his sister before getting in the driver's seat. You got in the passenger's seat and blacked out within five minutes. Gio really didn't want to wake you, given you really did need sleep, but felt like it'd be better than the ever-so-heart-wrenching sound that was one of the babies crying, so he literally had to shake you awake. "Y/N, Babe, honey, wake up." He said quietly between jolts. "'M up, 'm up. Shit! I forgot to get something..." You said, hurriedly. "What?" Gio asked, confused. "It was our anniversary three days ago, stupid!" You laughed, lightly slapping him on the arm. "Y'know, bringing the twins home is anniversary gift enough, and so are you. Plus, if it makes you feel better, I didn't get anything either." Gio smiled as he tried to make you feel better. "You gave me those munchkins." You said, glancing back at Amanda and Aaron. "Suppose I did...god they're so sweet." Gio said, staring at his son and daughter protectively. "They get it from you, cutie." You said, kissing Gio on the tip of the nose. "Y/N, that's a load of horse shit. You're so beautiful, they clearly get it from you, babe." He said, looking into your eyes as he tried to make a point. "Can't we just say they get it from both of us? I don't wanna argue and wake them up." You said, smiling although you were completely serious. "Fine. Cutie." Gio said, getting out quickly and lifting Amanda out of her seat as though to stop you from saying anything. You laughed to yourself before getting out to get Aaron and the bags out of the car and inside. You stumbled in through the door tiredly, Gio not fairing much better as he had blacked out with Amanda sprawled out across his chest on the couch. You took a picture before passing out in a chair with Aaron asleep in your arms. Home, Finally...was your last thought before you passed out completely...or at least until Aaron woke up screaming, Amanda following suit around fifteen minutes later. "They're literally cuddly alarm clocks, or at least now..." Gio said as he changed Amanda's diaper while you fed Aaron. "Isn't it a good anniversary gift though? We've wanted our own kids for ages, now we have them and-oh my god, I'm going to cry..." You said, starting to low-key ramble. Gio kissed you on the cheek and said just this, "Happy belated month and three days of them being alive, two years and three days of us being married." You simply looked at him as you finished feeding your son and as he finished changing your daughter. "You too, my love." You said, kissing him on the forehead. That, if you ask me, is forgetting an anniversary gift gone right.

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