Honey You Look Like a Hot Mess

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~Chapter 3~ (NOT EDITED)

Once I reached my house I immediately ran into my room, ignoring my grandmother's unsuccessful attempts to ask me what's wrong. I locked the door of my room and jumped onto my bed, and face planted onto my pillow. That's when I began bawling. I could faintly hear a knock on my door.

"Hmmmm?" I grumbled. I wiped my eyes, trying to get rid of any evidence that I've been crying.

"Hoi hot stuff... Open up!" My grandmother hollered.

"Just go away!!!"

"Oh nuh uh girlie! Not till you open this door and tell me what's wrong."

"Just go away; I want to be left alone," I mumbled into my pillow.

I sighed when I heard no response from her but then I heard the jingling of keys. A few seconds I felt my bed dip.

"I have three different flavors of ice cream so how about you eat your weight in ice cream and tell your grandma what's wrong. Sound good?" My grandma reasoned. I slowly took my face out of my pillow and faced my grandma who was sitting at the end of my bed.

"Ayaaa... actually on second thought, go take a shower first or wash your face cuz honey you look like a hot mess right now," my grandma, oh so nicely, stated. I nodded my head because I honestly didn't want to talk right now, and walked to the bathroom.


As I looked into the mirror I couldn't even recognized the girl that stared back at me. Her mascara was running down her face and her eyes were bloodshot. Her hair looked like it had gone through a hurricane. Overall, I really did look like a hot mess.

After I took a shower and changed into the comfiest clothes I owned and went downstairs to the living room where my grandma was sitting on the couch.

"So tell me... what has you looking like you just lost your best friend?" my grandma asked while handing me a tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

"Will and Casey are dating.." I mumbled while shoving the strawberry cheesecake ice cream into my mouth.

"Whoa whoa whoa. You mean Will Samuels and Casey Anderson? As in Will the guy you've liked forever and Casey your best friend?!"

Ya my grandma knew I liked Will. It's basically impossible to keep any secret from her since she has some sixth sense or something.

"That would be them," I sniffled. Oh god here come the waterworks again.

"Awwww my poor baby," my grandma said while pulling me into a hug.

That's how we stayed for the next couple hours; I told her everything that had happened that day. From my weird classes and messed up teachers up to me running out of the cafeteria in tears.


I was feeling much better after I vented out all my emotions to my grandma. Turns out, talking about it really helped. I was sitting on my bed and scrolling through my Instagram feed. I got to a picture of Will and Casey together and forced myself to not cry.


I was suddenly cut out of my thoughts. I hadn't realized that I threw my phone off the bed. I went to pick it up and saw I received a text.

Nerd: Let's meet at the library at 6.

Me: That's fine. Could you pick me up because I don't have a car.

Nerd: Sure.

I gave him my address and checked the time to see it was already 5:30. I picked out some black skinny jeans and a red sweater. I grabbed my purse and phone and headed downstairs. "GRANDMA! I'M GOING TO WORK ON A PROJECT WITH MY CLASSMATE FOR HISTORY!!" I yelled.

"Jeez girlie! I'm right here no need to scream!"

"Oops didn't see ya there..." I smiled sheepishly.

"You sick children, leaving your poor old grandma here all alone," she pouted.

"How about Liam or Hailey?" I wasn't surprised that they didn't try to comfort me because I could be super stubborn when I'm sad or mad.

"THEEEY LEEFT!!" She cried.

"Oh my gosh Grandma!! Fine I'll stay!!"

I took out my phone and texted Tyler.

Me: Hey can we stay at my house instead? My grandma is being a whiny baby.

Nerd: Ok sure.

About five minutes later I heard a knock on the door.

"Got it!!" I yelled.

"Good because I wasn't going to get it"

Tsk tsk. Lazy Grandma...

I rolled my eyes andopened the door.



"OH AVERY! THIS THE CLASSMATE YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT?! WOW HE'S CUTE!" My grandma exclaimed running to the door.


"Just stating a fact," my grandma pouted. She turned to Tyler and gave him a flirty smile. "Heyyy... My name is Helen. What's your name hot stuff?"

"Uh... I'm Tyler," he stuttered with his faced all flushed. Haha poor boy... I should probably do something... Although this is quite amusing...

"Ok as amusing as this is," I said gesturing between them. "Me and Tyler have some work to do."

"Alright go do some work" my grandma said air quoting work. "Don't have too much fun babes!" She said winking.


"Whatever." My grandma mumbled.

Tyler followed me up the stairs and I could faintly hear my grandma's voice. "Use protection!!"



Hope you enjoyed our new chapter! We got some grandma action!! Lol 😁 Tyler is so cute 😊 I can't write depressing stuff 😢😢 but hope that was close.

Heyyyooo hope ya liked this chapter!! Avery's grandma is hilarious 😂 I wrote the depressing stuff so i don't know what chu talking bout... Anywayyzzz see ya in the next chapter!!

(After comment:) You're right... I'm can't write depressing stuff at all! 😉



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