Sincerely, Your Secret Admirer

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~Chapter 15~ (NOT EDITED)

During the whole drive to school, I was thinking about my date with Tyler and how smoothly it had gone. We usually hugged each other instead of kissed. We were just that special. I guess we both were trying to get used to the idea of a relationship because his past girlfriend cheated on him and killed his father. I had very minor boyfriends here and there which I didn't have strong feelings for. Maybe just a crush that didn't last very long.

I opened my locker and a piece of folded binder paper fell out. I bent down to pick it up and furrowed my eyebrows. Where did this come from? I unfolded the paper and found that there was a note that was typed in a legible font. It read:

Dear Avery, my love,

What are you doing with the nerd, Tyler? Haven't you realized we belong together?

Don't worry. Soon he'll be gone so we can be together.

I love you and I'll stop at nothing to get you.

Don't worry. You'll be with me soon.

Sincerely, Your secret admirer

After I finished reading it, I was stunned. I let the note fall out of my hands as it gracefully handed on the floor. To say I was creeped out and scared was an understatement. I was beyond terrified.

This has to be a prank.

This creeper could be lurking at any corner. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if he was the guy that was following me when I found Tyler in the alley. Well, I guess I had to thank him for bringing Tyler and my closer together. But, this person was going to hurt Tyler and take me away from him!

I decided to keep quiet about it to Tyler or else my "stalker" might find out and hurt him more than he intended to.


During class, I couldn't focus on anything except the mysterious note that was in my locker. It was currently in the secret pocket of my backpack and it was going to stay there until I needed it.

But who could it be?

It was the last class of the day and I glanced at the clock every now and then because I was bored and wanted this school day to be over.

"AVERY SUMMERS!" shouted Mr. Shrek. He had an annoyed expression on his face and was tapping his finger on his desk.

"Yes?" I asked, as innocent as possible.

"Estás prestando atención?" (Are you paying attention) He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"No." I said admitted quietly as I sunk deeper into my seat. My face was heating up.

"Prestar atención la próxima vez, por favor." (Next time pay attention, please)

"Si Senor Shrek." I said nodding.

When the bell finally rang, signaling the end of school. I dashed out of the classroom and went to my locker. I opened it cautiously incase there was another letter.

I let out a sigh of relief when there wasn't another letter in my locker. Hmm... maybe it was just a prank.

"Hey" I jumped at the sound and turned around.

"Oh hey Tyler." I said, slightly out of breath and gave him a small wave.

"What's got you all jumpy?" He asked, his face showed a concern.

"Oh, it's nothing." I reassured him. "Wouldn't you like to know?" I murmured under my breath.

"What was that?"

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