I Totally Ship Them Together!

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~Chapter 22~ (NOT EDITED)

"So you said the notes in your locker were typed and printed on binder paper?" Will asked.

"Yea." I nodded in confirmation. Although I don't know how that was going to help the situation at all.

"Well there's this hidden computer lab I'm pretty sure you all haven't heard about."

We all looked at each other with confused looks. What computer lab? Our school has a computer lab?

"And about the hidden fourth floor?"

WHAT?! What fourth floor?!

Will looked at our confused faces and shook his head. "Just as I thought."

"How do you know about it?" Hailey asked.

"I have some friends that are computer nerds and really good hackers." Will explained. "They usually hang in the computer lab and they blend into the shadows."

I was scared. There were people we don't know about and a secret floor in the school? Wow, you learn something new everyday.

"So tomorrow at school, I'll take a few of you guys to the computer lab and we can look for some evidence there." We nodded. "I can only take a few of you because it's a secret floor and I don't want to risk it's identity."

"I'll go," I suggested. "Hailey and Danielle can come with me while the boys watch guard in case someone follows us."

We all nodded agreement. "So it's a plan."


"We are going to be having a new seating arrangement today! After I assign your seats, you will have the rest of the period to get to know your table partner." Mrs. Marshall announced.

After our little kinda "bonding time" over my grades, she's been much nicer to me and I realized that she wasn't a bad person. People just misunderstand her. She just likes to share her experiences with others. There's no crime in that.

"Okay I'll start with the seats near the door and we'll go from there." She walked to the first table and pointed to the first table.

"Ainsley Arnold and Jayden Carter."

You see, the tables in Mrs. Marshall's class were set up into pairs so it was easier to work with your partner. Mrs. Marshall is all about teamwork and helping each other so we would have to consult with our partners if we needed help before going to her.

"Next table will be Allison Bates and Jett Brantley."

She just kept going down the list and when she finally reached my name I sighed in relief because I seriously thought she had forgotten me.

"Avery Summers-"

I walked to my seat and plopped down. My chair tilted a little from the sudden contact and I almost fell off the chair if it wasn't for my "quick reflexes." Well, I basically just held the table.

People that were watching me snickered and I just shot them a glare in return that made them shut up and turn away.

"Are you ok Ms. Summers?" Mrs. Marshall asked her face was filled with amusement that she was trying to hide, but a small smile was threatening to expose itself.

"I'm fine." I assured and ducked my head, my face probably tinted pink in embarrassment.

"Oh and Tyler Jenkins. You will be sitting next to Avery. Okay now that that's settled everyone turn to your table mate and start talking!" She clapped her hands together and sat at her desk probably going to grade some papers.

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