Group Hug!!

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~Chapter 21~ (NOT EDITED)

We came up with many plans yet none of them were successful. Turns out the stalker was more clever than what we judged him or her to be.

I had barely gotten any sleep for the last few days because either I couldn't sleep or I was coming up with more plans to catch Isabella. 

There were bags under my eyes due to the lack of sleep. I was leaning my forehead on my locker when I felt a presence behind me. I turned around, still half asleep. "Wha?"

"You look wide awake." A sarcastic voice responded. My eyes snapped open to see Will standing there. I was surprised. He was one of the suspects and the stalker probably knows we are trying to find him so why was he talking to me?

"Do you need something?" I asked, trying to sound bored. 

"I have to talk to you." 

"You are right now."

He rolled his eyes. "I know Tyler broke up with you."

"Gee. Thanks for reminding me." I said sarcastically, my mouth was set in a straight line.

"And I know that you are trying to use me to make him jealous." He said. Wow, I really gotta give him more credit. He's actually pretty smart. Wait. What am I thinking? He's not smart. Psh, I just made it obvious. 

"Yea so."

"First I wanted to say... HE NEEDS SOME PEANUT BUTTER WITH THAT JELLY." He exclaimed. He put his finger to his tongue and make a sizzling sound. "Oh. BURN!" 

A smile appeared on my face. "YEA BRUH! HIGH FIVE!" I exclaimed back and gave him a high five. People around us were looking at us weirdly but I just brushed it off. He wasn't mad that I was using him so was he going to help me? "So what were you going to tell me?"

"Oh yea... I'm not going to try anything on you because I've seen how sad you were about your breakup with Tyler and I'm sorry." My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I believe I'm part of the reason why Tyler broke up with you. I put doubts in his mind. I made him feel insecure. I just wanted to tell you that I love you and I always will. Throughout the time that I've spent just observing, I learned that if you love someone but the person you love loves someone else, the worst thing you can do is break them up because of their feelings after. Their sad faces and gloomy expressions make you feel guilty. So I've decided that if you're happy then I'm happy."

I was getting teary eyed. I never knew Will could be that deep.

"Don't cry." He said putting a hand lightly on my shoulder.

"I'm not." I sniffled. "My eyes are just sweaty a little. No biggie. But, that... cheesy." I smiled through teary eyes. 

He chuckled. "And I found out about your, you know, stalker issue and I'm here to offer my help."

I gave him a small smile. "It's highly appreciated."

"So... friends?"

I thought for a while before saying, "Friends."


After that little speech from Will, I decided that it was smart to cross his name off our suspect list. That left us with Mason and Isabella.

I was going to ask Will about Mason because they were best friends and he should know where Mason has gone.

Although Mason was a reasonable suspect, I truly thought it was Isabella. I mean, she's evil.

It was lunch time and I invited Will to sit with us so we could discuss our plans as a group. At the lunch table sat Liam, Danielle, Hailey, Tony, Will, and me. These were the people that I could trust most with helping me find out who my stalker was and to get evidence.

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