Deny Deny Deny

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~Chapter 10~ (NOT EDITED)

Tyler's POV (Point of View)

Avery Summers.

She was beautiful. I've always known. Even from the beginning I knew that I had feelings for this girl. Now that I saw she wasn't perfect, she couldn't have been more beautiful.

After I dropped her off at home, I finally found the answer to why more heart reacts the way it does when ever she is around. I have fallen for her and I can't get up.

The first time I saw her, I thought she was really pretty. That was right. But what I was wrong about was that I thought she was like every other popular girl.

She wasn't.

She didn't bully me like everyone else did because I was apparently a "nerd." She didn't care about my social status and despite the weird stares from her friends when she asked my friends and me to sit with her at lunch, she still let us sit with her.

"TYLER! DINNER!" my mom called from the kitchen.

I trudged downstairs and took an empty seat at the table. "Hey."

"So how was school?"


"Anything interesting happen?"


"So how are you and Avery?"

I almost spit out the water I was chugging down and started coughing uncontrollably.

"Aye! Tyler! Don't chug your water."

I held my hand out signaling that I was find. "What?"

"I know you like her."

Deny. Deny. Deny.

"No I don't." I lied. I didn't want my mom to get involved with my personal life because then she would just embarrass me.

"I know you do. I'm your mother."

"No I don't."

"Listen. I like this Avery girl. She reminds me a lot of your father. She's kind and very pretty. Not that she looks like a man! I mean their personalities." She said realizing her mistake and correcting herself.

I was surpised she brought up my father. After he died in a car accident when a drunk driver crashed him hard, no one really spoke of him. She must really like Avery to compare her to him because she really loved my father and she was devastated when he died.

"I approve if you were ever going to get back together. I think you guys would be good together. I don't usually like the girls you hang out with or shall I say girl. I don't like Isabella. There's something suspicious about her."

I groaned. "For the last time, there is nothing suspicious about her! She's my friend!"

"Yea ok sure."

Tired of this conversation, I asked to be excused and put my plate in the sink. I walked back upstairs and decided to study ahead for my test next week. I was in the middle of studying our next chapter when I heard the sound my phone makes when I recieve a text. I can't describe the noise. It's just that weird.

Avery: I need help with homework

My heart was beating happily. You know that feeling when your crush texts you first? Yea. I had that feeling.

Me: Sure. Which problem?

Avery: I kinda need help with the whole thing because I didn't get the lesson. Heh.

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