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We didn't reach the goal :'( but I decided to be nice and give you guys this next update as a Christmas present! Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you guys have a blessed and wonderful Christmas!

~Chapter 29~

Tyler's POV

"I will always love you." That's all I had to hear before I walked away from the spot I was staying at because I wanted to set up another hang out time with Avery. But little did I know, she already had compoany.

And it was with the guy who broke her heart before. Nothing says he won't do it again.

'But you broke her heart too.' A voice in my head said.

'She broke mine first by ignoring me.' I thought.

'But she didn't do it on purpose. It was all to protect you.' I sighed. I've been having a lot of conversations lately in my head, just thinking about getting back together with Avery or not.

I shut eyes and drifted off to sleep


I've made up my mind. I'll be avoiding Avery and her "possey" the best I can because I see she has moved onto someone different and I should too. And a good way to get over someone was to not see them or spend time with them which was exactly what I'm going to try to accomplish.

And after I've got over her, we could still remain friends. I smiled at that thought. I couldn't think of my life without her now that she has entered into it and buried herself far too deep in it to get out.

But the sad and more determined part of me kept reminding me of her. 'You should've took her back earlier instead of trying to be just friends with her. You know it you can't handle to not be with her.' The voice told me.

But it wasn't my fault that I was scared and insecure. I was too scared of the past repeating itself again and what happened to Avery would happen again.

And now I've lost her forever. I'm sure of it.

I mean, she loved Will before once upon a time. And now he confessed his love and they could be together! I thought, glaring at nothing in particular.

Ok... who am I kidding? I wanted her back. Badly.

There was no use trying to get over her. I'll just have to win her back.

I made my way to the cafeteria to find Avery and Will talking animatedly to each other, smiling and playfully slapping each other.

That made me both depressed and mad. I clenched my fists and turned away from cafeteria, making my way to the library where I almost always used to eat lunch.

Screw the plan in getting her back. I give up.

"Tyler!" A voice cried out.

I turned around to see Avery's sister, Hailey, coming towards me. "What do you want Hailey?"

She hesitated before saying. "I just want to tell you to never give up on her. She really needs you."

I snorted. "She's got Will. Now I'll be going now." I help her standing in the hallway with a confused expression on her face.

She probably was just acting and wanted to get back at me for supposedly "breaking Avery's heart." They were all probably in her plan now that she's got Will she doesn't need me. She doesn't even look twice at me anymore.


"Hey Tyler." I turned around to see a girl with honey blonde hair next to me.

"Um... Do I know you?" I asked, uncertainly.

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