Vanilla is So Girly

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~Chapter 9~ (NOT EDITED)

I was failing math. It was probably all because of Mrs. Marshall. All she does is talk about her life. There is absolutely no teaching involved. Okay maybe just a few minutes but she talks for the rest of the time about her life and husband.

Like, no one wants to know about your life! We aren't here to counsel with you, we're here to learn.

Mrs. Marshall requested to speak to me after class during the middle of class which embarrassed me in front of all my classmates. I put all my things into my locker and started walking toward Mrs. Marshall's class.

Once I got there I was surprised to see Tyler also in the room talking with Mrs. Marshall. I decided to knock because I didn't want to interrupt their talking.

Mrs. Marshall was the first to notice me. "Hello Avery. Please take a seat I wanted to speak to you about your grades."

Well no shit...

I nodded and took the other seat in front of her desk next to Tyler.

"You have to raise your grades up soon or else you won't be able to pass this class." She started. "A D is below average. I'd like to see your grade raise to at least a C+ by the end of this year or else you won't be able to pass."

"I understand." I said politely. I was surprised with myself. Although I was feeling rage inside, I was actually being polite. I mean, it's not my fault that I learn absolutely nothing in her class.

"So I decided that you can either raise your grade by studying more by yourself or get a tutor." She offered. "I think a tutor could really help you."

"But who will tutor me?"

"Well. I've spoken to Tyler." She said nodded to him. "He has the highest grades in class so I think he'll be capable to teach you."

I turned to Tyler and he was wearing a blank expresssion. I doubted he'd want to teach me.

"Okay... if it's ok with Tyler."

"Tyler, is it ok with you?"

We both turned to Tyler, waiting for his response. He just nodded in return.

"Okay. I expect you to get better grades. Thanks coming to talk to me. You guys can go now."

I got out of my chair, relieved that I didn't have to do extra work because I would've done poorly on those too and that would've made my grades worse.

"Hey Tyler."

He turned around and raised his eyebrows silenting asking me why I was calling him.

"Thanks for tutoring me." I said smiling.

"Yea whatever. Mrs. Marshall said I could get community service for it."

Wow. What a shot at my woman pride. He did it so he could get something out of it. Oh well that's a step up from absolutely hating.

Huh... he's getting soft with me. Heh.

I started walking to my locker when I saw Will and Casey walking down the hall.

Maybe what Mason said was wrong. Maybe Will actually does like Casey for her and not for her popularity. I mean I should be happy for them because maybe they were meant to be and I was just a boulder in their path. Casey was my best friend and she probably wouldn't intentionally hurt me.

I had to let go of the fact that Will and me would never be and start feeling happy for them. The truth is that I really missed Casey and Will. I loved having them as my friends and without them life tends to become boring.

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