This Love of Ours

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Picture of Tyler's screensaver on his phone on the side.

~Chapter 30~

Avery's POV

Now that I thought about it, after hearing about Will's newfound love interest, I haven't seen much of Tyler lately. Usually I would bump into him once in a while or see him in the halls because now he was just invisible to me.

I decided to find out if my little realization was because of me or by plain coincidence.

So, I began looking for him. At his locker, at the library, in the cafeteria, even on the secret fourth floor that he didn't know about but a girl could try right? He could not be found.

I figured he wasn't inside the school building, so I began searching around outside. I went to the football field to find him not present. I finally walked to the back of the school, where all the real drama usually took place.

Instead, I found a tall guy in a black hoodie leaning against the back of the school. I narrowed my eyes at him to get a better view. I sighed in defeat and decided to walk to him to see what was wrong.

Once I reached the boy, I leaned on the wall next to him. He didn't even realize I was there. I coughed to get his attention which worked.

My eyes widened. It was Tyler. He had bags under his eyes and he looked like he didn't get any sleep for a long time.

"Tyler?" I breathed out, uncertain if that was really him.

His eyes widened. "Erm... hi."

"What are you doing here?" I asked, still surprised.

"I was just resting." He said honestly. "Haven't gotten much sleep lately."

I nodded. "I can see that. You should really go home."

He shook his head. "That won't be necessary." He stood up straighter and pushed himself of the wall. "Well, nice chat. See you around."

I sighed and reached out to grab his arm. "Wait."

He turned around and raised his eyebrow. "What do you want?" He said, sounding annoyed. I flinched at this unfamiliar tone he was using with me. I've only ever heard it when I first met him and when he basically hated me because he thought I was like every popular person; a bully.

Overtime, I proved him wrong and we became friends. Then, eventually, more. But, it ended pretty quickly because of the situation I was in but it has gotten better and we started becoming friends again.

And now, it was like we never met. Like, he was holding a grudge about something I didn't know about.

"You are going home to rest." I stated firmly. "No questions asked."

He shook his head and glared at me. "You can't tell me what to do."

I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior and began dragging him to the nurse's office. Since, he was weak because of being sleep-deprived, it was easier dragging him than I thought it would be. He was still heavy, but easier to drag.

Once we finally got to the nurse's office, I fell onto the chair next to the makeshift bed in the room and started steadying my breathing.

Whew! That was quite a work out.

"He's just tired." Nurse Tracy stated to me after checking to see if the bags under his eyes and his sudden weakness was something else. She then turned to Tyler. "I'm guessing you haven't slept in a while?"

He nodded weakly. She sighed. "You have to get your sleep from now on. Understand?" He nodded. She then turned to me. "Can you take him home and make sure he's safe and stay with him until he gets stronger?"

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