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~Chapter 18~ (NOT EDITED)

Avery's POV

I was at my locker and thankfully there hadn't been a single note in my locker for the past few days. That got me wondering if the person had given up or if this really was a prank.

That reminded me of Mason, I don't know how, but it did. I wondered where he was. He's been quiet lately; too quiet and I haven't seen him around ,well, anywhere lately.

I was still brainstorming up excuses to why Mason hasn't been around lately.

Did he move away?

Is he hiding from me because he was embarrassed by my rejection?

and lastly. Was he my stalker?

Then my mind wandered to Will. He hasn't been bothering me lately. That's weird. Didn't he say that he wasn't going to give up on me?

It's not like I was sad that he didn't bother me anymore. In fact, I was practically jumping for joy but one thought provoked me. It just made me think "could he be my stalker?"

So many suspects. Who could it be?

I was snapped out of my brainstorming when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I twirled arond and slightly jumped.

"I always seem to make you jump." Tyler chuckled. I caught my breath and tried to calm my unsteady heart rate.

"Oh hey." I said, lifting my hand up to form a slight wave, "You scared me." 

He ignored my question and decided to ask one of his own. "Have you been avoiding me?" The question that left his mouth took my aback. Was I taking it too far? Did he think I didn't like him anymore?

"No. I was just busy with some things." I explained. Well, I wasn't really lying. I was busy with the stalker thing and I had to stay away from him because that's the only way to keep him safe.

"Oh." He said, dejectedly. I could tell he didn't fully believe me. So I decided to prove that I was busy to support my some-what lie.

"But I'm free tomorrow night if you wanna go out."

His face immediately brightened. "Okay!" I gave him a restrained smile.

I hope my stalker doesn't find out about this.


I was so confused. How could this be? I had gotten a D on my Spanish test and I studied so hard on it. Well I only studied for an hour but that's a lot for me! I usually don't study this much. I knew that this test grade would count a lot towards my grade average so I decided to actually study.

I even asked Chance for study help because apparently he always aced the Spanish tests. I didn't want to ask Tyler for help because I was trying to avoid him because of the stalker issue.

This stalker issue is really creating distance between Tyler and me.

Once I got to Mr. Shrek's spanish classroom, I opened the door and the view in front of me seriously shocked me. Mr. Shrek and Rawland were having "extra lessons." If you know what I mean. "Uhh..."

"It's not what it looks like..." Mr. Shrek stuttered out... My eyes were covered by my hands. My eyes widened from behind my hands. What I worried about was if I would ever get this "interesting" picture out of my mind. Ew...

"I just came to ask you about my grade on the last test." I said, my hands still covering my eyes.

"Avery you can uncover your eyes now." Mr. Shrek said. I slowly took slid my hands off my face and saw that it was safe to look.

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