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~Chapter 13~ (NOT EDITED)

This couldn't be better timing. Rumors said that Will dumped Casey and they weren't an item anymore. That made me happy to think that Casey has gone though as much pain as she put me through. I was more happy that I was now Tyler's girlfriend.

He was so sweet and caring. I don't know why anyone would want to cheat on him. He was also really attractive without his glasses but I wanted him to keep his fake glasses because it made him look adorable to me and I didn't want other girls oogling him.

Call me jealous but it's true. I didn't want anyone oogling my boyfriend. My only problem was Isabella. She glared at me menacingly after we announced to our friends that we were now a couple.

I was standing at my locker, staring dreamingly at nothing in paticular. I was snapped out of my reverie when I felt a tap of my shoulder.

I turned around to find Will standing behind me smiling at me in a way that used to make me melt. I didn't feel anything but emptiness now.

"Hey" he said.

"What do you want?" I grumbled irritatedly and rolled my eyes.

"I broke up with Casey."

"So I've heard." I said my face showed no emotion except an indifferent expression.

"I did it for you." He said. "I never liked her. It was always you." He said softly.

I would've believed him if I didn't know the truth. He left me for popularity and used my best friend. But I guess this was for the better. It is better sooner finding out about Casey's evil intentions than later.

"I don't care. I don't like you." I said. I didn't tell him about dating Tyler because he would be furious and try to hurt him even though I knew Tyler was going to win because he street fought. I just didn't want to see anyone hurt.

He smirked. "I know you like me maybe even love me. I saw you crying when Casey and I announced that we were dating. You can't resist me." He whispered in my ear.

It didn't affect me at all. I glared at him. "You don't affect me and you never will."

"I know you want me. Just admit it so we can be together." He said arrogantly. I can't believe the nerve of this guy! What did I ever see in him before? He was just a big jerk that cares about nothing but himself.

I stared in disbelief at him. He just smirked back at him. He probably thinks he affects me. Well he thought wrong. I glared at him and kneed him in the balls and walked off. I turned back to see him holding where I kneed him and writhing in pain. I smirked and began walking to my next class.


People didn't know about Tyler and me yet. Well, aside from our friends no one knew. Our friends decided to keep it that way. Although Isabella glared at me and seemed to want to tell everyone. I let Tyler work his magic and he convinced her to not say anything.

Chance wasn't at the lunch table when we told our friends we were together so we decided to tell him next time during lunch when everyone was together.

It wasn't like we were embarrassed to be together. It was just that we didn't want people to fuss about it and spread rumors. Since I was the popular ex-cheerleader and he was a nerd. Cliche, I know.

Part of the reason why we decided to keep it to ourselves was because of Will. I told Tyler about his plans which I heard about from Mason. He was furious but it took a few minutes for him to cool down. I didn't tell him about my confrontation with Will though. As much as I tried, I couldn't bring myself to tell him.

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