My Singing is a Gift Given to Me by Angels

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~Chapter 5~ (NOT EDITED)

After my talk with Mason I went back to the party. The last thing I wanted to do was be here, so I searched through the crowd of horny teenagers for Danielle. I started making my way through the dance floor in search of her when I felt a hand grope my waist.

"Mmmm Touchy Feely!!!"

"Hey! Get yo nasty hands off me you creep!" I yelled as I turned around to face the person. Da hell... it's that new kid Rawland.. "Are you high right now?!"

"OMG HOW DID YOU KNOWW??? ARE YOU PSYCHIC?! OMG ARE YOU A WITCH?!" he asked in a slurred accent. His eyes were bloodshot and he reeked of alcohol.

"Uhhh no..." Before I could say anything else Rawland turned around and walked away. Well that was rude...

I continued to look for Danielle until I finally found her dancing with some jock from the football team.

"Oh my God Jake! You're soooo funny," Danielle flirted with uh.. Jake. "And your biceps are so big!!" she giggled.

"So you wanna go upstairs?" Jake asked

"Oh no no no it's time to go!" I butted in. I wanted Danielle to have fun but not THAT much fun.

"Hehe ok!! Bye Jakey!!" Danielle slurred.

I dragged her out of the house and pushed her into the car. Since she was obviously drunk I had to drive. I tried to start the car but it wouldn't start. So I tried again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

"Goddammit!! You have got to be kidding me!!" I yelled. "Of all places it had to die at a party!!"

I took out my phone and started scrolling through my contacts to find someone who could pick me up.

Liam.. no he's at a party.

Hailey.. no she can't even drive.

Grandma.. definitely not... I would get in so much trouble.

The rest of my friends were at the party and probably drunk which only left one more contact left.

Nerd. Ugh could my night get any worse?!

So I called and he picked up on the fourth ring.


"Hey uh it's Avery."

"Oh, you do realize it's 1 am right? There's this thing called sleep that I was enjoying."

"Ya sorry. Um I'm at a party and my car won't start. Could you PLEASE come pick us up?"


"Ya me and Danielle."

"Why don't you have someone else take you. I'm sure some jock would be more than happy to."

"Cause they're all drunk off their asses and can't even make it out the door. PLEASE... you're my last hope."

"Fine where are you?"

I gave him Will's address and he was there within 15 minutes.

"Hey can you help me with her?" I asked Tyler when he got there pointing at a currently passed out Danielle.

"Yea yea, give her to me."

After we dragged her into the back seat of his car, I gave him directions to my house and we rode in a VERY awkward silence.

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