I promise

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~Chapter 12~ (NOT EDITED)

I waited for him to continue with his story. He had a serious expression on his face. He took a deep breath. "If I tell you, you can't tell anyone and you can't treat me differently."

I nodded. "I promise."

"You have to treat me like the guy you met and not the guy I'm going to tell you about." He said seriously.

"I promise."

"Okay then." He said. "Prepare to know about my messed up past."

I nodded and sat on the floor and leaned my back on the wall. He followed suit and began telling his story.

"Back then, I used to be popular. I used to play girls like games and treated them badly. I broke their hearts and I never had a girlfriend because I didn't like commitment. It's hard to believe I know." He said looking at my confused face.

I nodded for him to continue.

"My family was happy though they didn't agree with my dirty ways but they didn't do anything to stop me. My dad was still alive at this time. Then one day, I met a girl that was different. She said she didn't care about my looks and she liked me for me. Her name was Rachel Sparks. She was my first and only girlfriend. One day, while I was at home, we received a call that my dad was in a car accident and he was in the hospital. We went to the hospital right after we got the call."

"They docters told us that he got crashed by a drunk driver. We found out that he wasn't going to live. The worst thing was that the drunk driver was my girlfriend, Rachel. She was drunk. They told us that she came back from a party. She hooked up with another guy and cheated on me."

"She was just using me for popularity and my looks. And what made me furious what not the fact that she cheated on me but the fact that she killed my father who I looked up to and loved with all my heart. She got fined for accidently murdering someone, drunk driving, and underage drinking. She went into Juvie for 10 years. I went into depression and got drunk almost everyday and came staggering home late and drunk every night."

"One day I was sober, which I rarely was. I saw my mom's broken expression. I decided to step up my game. I focused on my grades and studied hard. I found out that if I studied enough I could be at the top of the class and I did."

"My mom decided that we should move so we could leave behind all our worries and bad memories so we moved here. I decided to become a nerd and I still get nightmares from my past but they rarely come anymore because I found a better life here. I got glasses to hide part of my face so people wouldn't see what I actually looked like and they wouldn't use me again."

"That's kind of why my mom doesn't trust any girls that I'm with because she's scared that they would end up like Rachel and hurt me again. Well, that was until she met you. Surprisingly she likes you. Well anyways... my mom is a single parent and she works three jobs. She always comes home tired because she got little sleep the night before. She had bags under her eyes and she drank coffee every day. I decided to make money off of street fighting because I was good at street fighting and I never lost a match before and I wanted to help my mom with the bills. But she doesn't know because I know she wouldn't approve of it because I would be getting hurt. That's why you saw me fighting in that alley. You can't tell her because I don't want to see her broken emotions again."

I sat there shocked. I never knew he had to go through this much. He was so strong. "And that's why the man handed you money." I said absentmindedly.

"Yea." He sighed.

I wasn't about to apologize because I knew he didn't want any pity or sympathy. He looked grateful for the fact that I didn't apologize. I smiled at him and he looked surprised. "You don't think differently of me? You don't think I'm weak?"

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