Chapter 11

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Bella's POV

When we get back to their house, I gather my stuff and offer to clean up but all the blankets and stuff from earlier are gone. I thank Esme for that and for having me. 

"I had a lot of fun, thank you guys." I say when we're all by the door. 

"It was great having you, Bella." Jasper says with a small smile, arm around Alice. 

"Yeah, Bella! Thank you for coming, it was so much fun. We have to hang out more." Alice skips forward and gives me a tight hugs. Her cold flesh, somehow harder than what I expected. Maybe she's secretly ripped? 

I smile at them. "One hundred percent. This was great." 

Emmett barrels forward and goes for his signature bear hug and swings me around like a doll. "I'm so happy you had fun, Bellsy. I'll see you on Monday." When he puts me down it's just us and Rosalie left, the other two disappeared. 

"Yeah," I go to responded but he cuts me off saying he needed to go do something. Which, real subtle but I'm confused either way. "Okay, then." I chuckle.

Rosalie smiles at me and comes closer, "Thank you for coming, Bella. I had a lot of fun." She reaches out and gives me a firm hug. She's just as cold and hard as the others but there's this warmth she radiates, more emotional than physical but I still feel it. "I'll see you Monday, I could pick you up before school?"

She's close, her eyes dazzling and smell intoxicating. Her hair is still perfect but a little damp. Boldly, I swipe a small piece behind her ear and nod. "Sure." 

For a moment, I worry that I misread things and overstepped but then she's leaning closer and presses the softest kiss to my cheek. My eyes fall close at the comfort and my heart soars. I suck a breath in and my eyes snap open as the pressure leaves. "Bye, Bella." 

And then I leave with her scent still strong and intoxicating around me. Head a little fuzzing and chest warm.


When I get home, Charlie is sitting at the dinning table having lunch and reading the paper. 

"Hey, Bells. Had a good time?" He greets me as I come in, bag still on my shoulder. Then he takes in my damp appearance. "Did you go swimming?"

I laugh. "Sorta. We went on a walk to the river behind their house and Emmett threw Rosalie and I in."

Charlie laughs, "Well, makes sure to warm up, don't need you getting sick."

"I know, dad." I make my way to the stairs. "I'll be down in a sec." 

"Don't rush, Billy and the rest won't mind. I'm just glad you had fun." 

After changing into warm and completely dry clothes, Charlie and I head down to La Push in my truck. We talk as he drives and enjoy the company. He asks me about last night and today and I find myself speaking animatedly. I had a genuinely good time and my good mood is still present. 

Charlie tells me about his day at work, yesterday and then we talk about the guys, Billy and the others.

I forgot how beautiful it was over here, as we drive by the beach and I look out at the cliffs. It looks cold as hell but it's still beautiful. 

Pulling up to a small house, the paint peeling and garage flowing with scrap metal and spare parts, I recall vague memories of playing around here when I was really little. And then I look at the ramp and remember vividly, going down it over and over on a skateboard with a small boy who had raven black hair. 

As we're getting out of the truck, Billy comes down the ramp in his chair and the boy from my memories, now a teenager, follows closely behind. 

"Good to see you, boys." Charlie calls over before lifting a six pack, "Ready for the game, Bill?"

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