Chapter 24

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(AN: Hi, hey. So this chapter gets a little mature towards the middle. You'll know it when you get there, it starts off PG-13, enough, I think lol. If you want to avoid it, then you'll wanna stop reading at that point and head to the next chapter. However, it's not outright explicit. Just a warning in case that's not your thing. But anyway, thanks for reading! It means a lot. Enjoy! <3)

Rosalie's POV

After lunch, Alice was acting suspicious. She had a vision, one she didn't want anyone knowing yet. The dress thing was genuine but it was also bullshit. Jasper and I shared a look but by the surge of contentment he sent me, I know he meant to just humor her. 

But after class the little brat all but drags me to the last class of the day. It was sort of strange that Jasper nor Emmett were in sight but Alice didn't give me time to wonder. The teenagers around us gave more looks than usual though but Alice wouldn't crack no matter how hard I pressured her. "I'll explain later, now lets get to class." She demanded. 

I heard Bella's name and Cullen uttered too many times that for the remaining class time, I fidgeted. I never fidget but I was sort of nervous by then. 

Things have been going so right lately. Bella and I spent much of the daylight hours together and her presence soothed me as much as Emmett's did. My need for her strengthened every day and my love grew in our precious moments.

Her and Emmett have gotten close, as well. 

She has bonded with all of my family, on a personal level (aside from Edward but who fucking cared about him anymore) but her and Emmett really hit it off. They had a lot in common, personality wise. Growing up too fast, as a quiet mature woman, Bella is really sarcastic. Her jokes are always just the right amount of biting and hilarious. She didn't take everything so serious and like Emmett, Bella is a softie. It's not quite like Emmett's teddy bear presence but more of a strong, loyal calm. She gets sugary sweet and nice and it's unlike any other thing. 

Emmett makes me bold and passionate, and so does Bella but she really makes me soft and sweet.  Two so similar and so different, and for both, I am so deeply in love, my life is lit from the stars of their galaxies.

The final bell rings, snapping me out of my rather poetic and sappy train of thought. 

And as soon as I step out of the classroom, I hear it. 

"They broke up. It was huge!" 
"NO, no. Bella is messing around with Jasper!"
"Noo! She's totally with Rosalie."
"Bella looked like she was gonna cry!"
"But did you see the way Jasper fucking destroyed Edward!"

My teeth grind together, suppressing a growl. My hands start to shake as I hear the story pieced together. 

That son of a bitch!

My heels click furiously against the tile as I walk down the hall by myself. There are more eyes following me than usual and I sneer at anyone who makes eye contact. The whispers increase. I listen for my siblings but all I notice is Edward. I can hear him by the car. 

Turning and half jogging to the parking lot, I inspire more gossip but I don't actually care. 

"Edward, why did you do that? You had two paths! Two! And like an asshole, you chose the worst one! You could've took the high road and became friends-" Alice is whisper yelling at Edward who leans against the car. The parking lot is mostly full. 

My pace quickens and I gain on them, Edward looks up a little before I make it over. He plans to flee, to duck out. It's all over his face but there's no going anywhere with such an audience.

My fist connects with his head and my other lands a punch to his stomach but I'm pulled away as I grab his hair. It takes both Jasper and Alice to hold me back.  "Why?" I yell. "Why the fuck would you say that?! You have no right! You motherfucker, you ever fucking disrespect her again and I'll tear you limb from limb! I swear to god- to fucking satan- to whatever exists, anyone, Edward! You are no brother of mine! You have no clue about what goes on between my partners and I! Just because you think you know something, by invading my privacy- it doesn't fucking mean you do! And it's not like it's your business." 

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