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(Oliver's pov)

After I fell out of the mirror, my hair was slightly messed up and my clothes were dirty and flying chocolate bunny was next to me looking very concerned for my well being.

"D-dont worry about me..I'm alright!" I grinned slightly at him and he smiled back, while I was ignoring my bruises I stood up and looked around.

It still looked like I was in the forest, and it didn't feel like I was anywhere different. This stupid mirror must've not worked and I probably just got knocked out from an apple or something!

Hopefully. Otherwise I'm completely and utterly lost.

"See Ollie! What did I tell you! Different reality!" FCB called out excitedly and started flying straight forward leaving me completely stranded for a good five seconds before I got my act together.

"W-Wait! Wait poppet don't leave me here!" I yelled out starting to run after him, getting rips in my pants, and my hair getting even more disheveled then before.

"Hurry up Ollie! I'm not going to wait for you forever!" He cried out from somewhere that I couldn't see.

"Oh good grief..what's wrong with that bunny?" I mumbled to myself as I crawled out of the woods expecting to see the street I entered, with Louis waiting for me with his arms crossed calling me an idiot for going into the woods.

I didn't see any of that. When I exited the woods I saw a bike path, a nearby library and a coffee shop..that's strange.

"Excuse me! W-what country am I in?" I asked a person riding a bike, they skidded to a stop and looked at me strangely.

"America...how do you not know what country you're in you fucking idiot." They yelled and they drove off.

"W-well that was highly rude." I mumbled to myself and started walking towards the library sighing happily. Old books..that was one thing I knew I wouldn't be able to live without. I quickly walked into the library and spun around excitedly.

"Arthur Kirkland?" I looked at the person who said my last name and they smiled kindly at me.

Old librarian lady, her eyesight was almost gone and she was going..her husbands been dead for years.

I frowned at my thoughts, knowing I shouldn't be able to read her as easily as I was.

I sighed softly. The only reason I could read people this well is because of..me learning dark magic.

"Arthur I've missed you! You don't visit America as often as you used too!"

I hesitated and finally answered her, knowing it would break her heart.

"I'm not Arthur my dear...my name is Oliver!" I answered cheerfully waiting for her to either break down into tears or look away in disgust, like every librarian I've met so far would've done.

"I-I'm so sorry dearie! I can't see stuff even with my glasses!"

I smiled softly and gently took off her glasses glancing around quickly.

"Here..let me." I whispered softly gently presses my finger in between her nose and mumbled a spell that my mother taught me as a child.

After a few short moments her eyes opened wide and she blinked a few times looking at me straight In the eyes.

"Y-you're..a miracle worker! Thank you!" She cried out happily and kissed my cheek a few times.

"You know what happens if you use too much black magic Oliver..you must really miss me."

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