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America's pov (flashback)

"I'm sorry America but I said no!" Arthur yelled at me with crossed arms and an annoyed expression on his face. I was persistent! I needed him to say yes!

"BUT WHY NOT?!" I yelled out stomping my foot glaring at him with rage in my eyes.

"Because when I say no, I MEAN NO."


The silence was definitely worth the look on his face, it was bright red, angry, and embarrassed. I knew he got into another fight and I had him right where I wanted him, he had to let me go see my brother now!

"The answer is still no."

"BUT HE'S MY BROTHER! What if I said to you that you could never see your brothers again!" The look he gave me was probably the most scariest looks I've ever gotten. Oh no..to far. "I WOULD THANK YOU. GO TO YOUR ROOM." He roared angrily and pointed upstairs with fire coming out of his eyes. I sighed and walked up the stairs pouting gripping my fists tightly together.

I slammed the door to my room and started crying on my bed, hugging my pillow and grabbing the note Canada wrote to me a few months back. I sat up and tried to read it out loud in an accent he would use.

"Dear Alfred,

Bonjour! It has been awhile since I have seen you and things have not gotten better. There are still people who bully me and say that I do not need to carry around a stuffed bear wherever I go! I cannot tell Francis because if I did then he would just be disappointed that a colony like myself wouldn't be able to defend ones self! I look up to you in times of need and pray that you come visit. I miss having my best friend around, and I'm rather lonely with Francis going to meetings.

Your favorite little brother (although we are twins. That's what Arthur called it, right?) Matthew.

I frowned and gripped the note tightly in my hand standing up and looking outside the door to see if England was around. I smelt his cooking, and his tea and I assumed he was making me an apology meal for yelling at me. I didn't understand why he got so angry when I brought up his brothers and right now I didn't need to know. I motioned one of the servants and politely asked them to pack me ten sandwiches, twenty apples, and some honey with peanut butter for Matthew! I also asked for some pocket money just in case I needed to take a carriage ride somewhere. They nodded rushing downstairs to the kitchen.

I immediately started to write a note to Arthur telling him that I would be at Francis's and to please come pick me up in two weeks, because my little brother needed me. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts as I quickly hid the note.

"U-uh! Come in!" I tried to sound convincing but I don't think it was working.

Arthur strolled in carrying some English delicacy, and my favorite type of tea. I looked up and saw that he looked rather ashamed of himself so I hugged his leg and told him that it wasn't his fault he yelled at me.

I felt him trembling as he put down the food, kneeled down and wrapped his arms around me tightly with me burying my face in his shoulder. I knew he was crying but I didn't mention it as I was almost crying too.

We didn't get into fights often and when we did it was usually solved with tea and a nice talk. I knew one day there was going to be a fight that I wouldn't be able to fix as easily but I knew we'd eventually be friends again.

"I am sorry you can't visit Canada as much as you'd like too but it's not as simple as you try and make it out to be. Sometimes I have to say no to certain things, and you can't just disagree when I make my final decision, alright?" He asked as he gently pulled away running my hair out of my face.

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