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Frances pov

After he said that, we all sat in silence for a good five seconds before I raced into the portal after him.

"fils! reviens s'il te plaît, laisse parler ça"
*son! Come back please we can talk this out*

Matthew turned around fast enough to make his long golden hair flip into his face. "Talk about what!? The fact that no one wants anyone to be happy!?" I frowned walking over to Matthew and started fixing his hair.

"Papa..why can't I be happy being forgotten?" I froze up at papa but I sighed softly hugging Matthew tight against my chest. I felt him start to shake and whimper and mumble about how he felt it was his fault everyone forgot him, because he didn't talk enough or he wasn't loud like Alfred is." I looked down at Matthew who was practically crying into my chest, so I pulled him closer and hugged him lifting him a little bit off the ground.

"Is..Prussia helping you with all of this- I pauses trying to find the right word-hullabaloo, and anxiety?" I hesitantly ask which makes him nod quicker.
As the others entered the portal I let go of Matthew smiling warmly at him, and he smiled back. That smile warmed my heart, because as much as everyone else believed it that smile did not belong to him. That smile was the same smile Arthur has.

"Birdie! You shouldn't run off-oh god you're bleeding."
"Its barely anything!"
"Barely anything my awesome ass, let me fix it."
"Eh..Thanks Gil..and thank you for having my back."
"Well...do you really like me more than a friend?" I saw Matthew stiffen up and his face grow much more red than usual.
"Friendzone me while you have the chance, only thing I'm good at is making pancakes-" Matthew was cut off by Gil kissing him gently making me frown and turn away. I was the country of love but this was ridiculous! I thought about it more and more until I realized that Gil hasn't hooked up with anyone since April fools day. They pulled away from each other and smiled until they realized who they just kissed in front of.

I sighed softly and made eye contact with Gil.
He was practically my best friend and we grew up together, but the way he took care of Gil made me wonder what the hell changed in him to make him settle. He's never settled before and the thought of that scares me. I didn't want him to cheat on Matthew or make Matthew get hurt, But the way he treated Matthews wounds makes me feel..warm. Like someone finally deserves Matthew. As much as I hated to admit it, Prussia was most likely the best option for him anyways.

"hey uh..Mattie dude-"

"Don't fucking talk to me Alfred. Unless we find Arthur you're dead to me." Matthew walked ahead rubbing his arms, pausing and turning back to look at Prussia. "Are you coming Gil?" Prussia beamed and started walking ahead towards Matthew.

"It seems someone has slipped up ahead, da?"
My eyes grew wide with fear as I ran over to the place where Russia was pointing. I glanced down as the rain started pouring harder, I realized that there was a river underneath all of the bushes.

"Oh no..oh no oh no.."

Everyone started asking what the hell they should do because they had no idea how deep the water was.

Or if Arthur was still breathing.

I looked down at my fancy clothes, narrowed my eyes and took a running start only to throw myself down the muddy hill. I felt like my body was on fire as my hands grew warmer and my eyes were more aware of my surroundings. It was like my eyes were enhanced about 30% more then usual.

"PAPA!" I heard Matthew scream as he was being held back by Gilbert and by Alfred, while I heard Germany yelling that they needed to go up ahead so they could help us out of the lake.

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