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"So this is where I found the mirror." Oliver told me as he lead me through the forest dressed exactly like me, and the only way for someone to discover who we really were was to look at our eyes..

No one looks either of us in the eyes anyways so we figured we were pretty much good. I looked at Oliver a little hesitant in walking back into the mirror.

"Trust me..it didn't do a lot of damage, just some dirty and burnt clothes! You should be fine."

"Well Oliver I'm not sure if this-" my sentence was interrupted as Oliver pushed me into the mirror, with a yell of: SORRY ARTHUR!" I landed inside a wooded area that looked scarily familiar to the one I had in my world. I took a deep breath and stood up, my clothes a bit messy but I think no one would really notice. I started walking out of the woods glancing at a sign that looked way too worn out saying "TURN BACK" in red paint. People were seriously turned off by that sign? Oliver got past it and he's a sweetheart who seems like he'd be afraid of mice.

"Okay..alright Arthur! You used to be a pirate who can't swim, this can't be too difficult to handle! I can do this!" I said to myself as I walked out of the woods and onto a strangely empty street. Did everyone hide inside in his world? Weird..I walked towards a store that sold some things I thought Alfred and Matthew would enjoy, so maybe I'd take them back to them. I walked into the store and the lady immediately flared her nostrils at me.

"Can I help you." Wow. People sure are friendly in Oliver's world. "Ahh..yes! Can I have that notebook and metal baseball bat?" I pointed in the case and she scoffed.

"That would be a total of $150.25. I don't think you can afford it, they're REALLY expensive. The metal baseball bat is made from metal you can only DREAM of owning. I don't think you can afford it." I rolled my eyes at this entitled bitch. Luckily I took some money out before coming here. As I paid her I narrowed my eyes grabbing the items from her and walked out without getting my change.

Before I shut the door I turned around and gave her a glare.

"Honestly sweetheart, if the metal is that rare I wouldn't be selling it for a hundred dollars." I slammed the door hard making her flinch.
"Honestly people like that can go-..go..woah.." I looked up at the meeting hall that I usually have to go to in my world, and it looked COMPLETELY different! More like a gray version of my meeting hall back home. That was definitely giving me some awful vibes. I took a deep breath and walked in, saying hello to a security girl named Moe, who seemed to look highly annoyed at me.


"Thanks for running out on the meeting yesterday Oliver. I was stuck with Allen talking to me about how if I couldn't find you he'd send Louis after me." I stared at this girl for a second, because I was having trouble telling if she was being sarcastic or not, but she just pointed down the hall and sighed. "Lucky for you, you aren't late; You're early. Lutz isn't even here yet. Luciano is in charge of today's meeting so, try not to run out crying again alright?" I nodded not trusting my voice to sound all sweet and kind after the encounter I had earlier that day.

I walked into the meeting room and saw what looked to be James, petting his polar bear who looked a lot meaner then Matthews polar bear, and saw him closing his notebook sighing in annoyance.

"J-James! Hello!" I said sounding more oliverish then I do myself. His head shot up and he stood up almost in the span of a second. He rushed towards me glaring at me, him being a few inches taller then me just like Matthew is. "Do you have any idea how annoyed we all were? Louis wouldn't smoke and Allen wouldn't shut the fuck up! Where the hell did you go!?" He yelled angrily at me crossing his arms.

I sighed and pulled out the notebook I was originally going to give to Matthew and handed it to him instead coming up with a fantastic story right on the spot.

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