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As I walked towards the forest where I was supposed to be leaving for my world, a car drove past me and skidded to a stop.

"Hey! Oliver!" My stomach filled up with dread as I turned around to see Allen who had an annoyed looking Louis and a bored looking James. What the hell was going on!

"We're going to a bar and we need a designated driver! You wanna come with?!" Fun. A bar where I could not drink or have any sort of alcohol whatsoever. I put on a smiling face and sat in the car next to Louis who glanced at me and nodded.

It reeked of cigarettes and old Tofu, I stomached it and started asking stuff like: "what bar are we going too", "how long will we be staying there!" And finally "so I should all bring you back to the hotel rooms right?"

Luckily they all had booked in the same hotel so I only had to memorize one place to go when everyone got shitfaced drunk. As we drove down the road Allen was playing some weird heavy metal stuff, while James was looking out the window.

Oliver had a strange family.

I looked at James and decided to poke at him a bit so that I could maybe get to know my 2Ps kid. "So uh! How have things been going with Prussia!" James stiffened up while Allen starting cracking up with laughter, which caused James to punch him in the shoulder.

"OW! James you dick what the fuck!?"

"What about you and Kuro hm? I saw you two..snogging as Oliver would put it, outside the bar last night." Allen's face went pink as he shot a glare at James not doing anything because he was driving at the moment.

"Well..It was his fault anyways."

"Bull-fucking-shit. You probably kissed him first didn't you."


"Uh huh."

"I can hear that sarcasm. I'm driving you to the fucking bar, don't get smart with me."

"Oliver are you okay?"

I quickly shook my head back into reality and smiled kindly "of course I'm okay! W-why do you ask lad?"

"You haven't asked us to pay the swear jar fee.."


"Oh uh! Well you boys are going to be swearing all night, so I thought I should just let it go, yknow?" I lied through my teeth hoping they'd believe me. Please god let them believe me.

"Right..okay sure if it gets us out of paying the swear jar fee I'm fine with it!" Allen cried excitedly and parked outside of the bar.

I took a look at the old bar and sighed exiting the car grabbing the car keys from Allen. Least he was slightly responsible not to drunk drive.
"Fucking hell.." I mumble under my breath entering the bar where the boys were already doing shots, and drinking like it was world war 1, and a surgeon was coming to cut off their legs. I cursed internally at the fact that I remembered that weird comedian Alfred showed me.

My face softened at the thought of my family dealing with Oliver..I hope Oliver was doing alright as me. God if anyone found out what we were doing, we'd be shunned or made fun of for at least another two hundred centuries! I couldn't let that happen..I sighed sitting next to James as the dark thoughts started to enter my mind.

What if Oliver gets caught by Francis? Would Oliver eventually tell Francis why he was doing it?

Would Kiku know the difference after a day and some poor makeup?

Would Norway ask to hang out? He's been so busy with Denmark and the other nordics recently, that it was difficult to tell when we would hang out again.

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