Damn:2 🙏🏼

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We had finnally escaped, from the monster or I thought that's what had happened. You know the saying, "Mountain don't meet but people always meet? " That's what I felt about the altercation of that man. He was hunting me on broad day light. His promises were real.

I felt like crying just thinking about the incident that had just occurred. How can he murder a human being whilst I was watching him?

He always made me feel so fucking uncomfortable.

The mystery of the situation was that my mother didn't even address the fact that I was crying, she just told me that we were going to London. We didn't even pack our clothes.

We just left everything, as it was. It was a whole lot suspicious for me and I had to ask her, 'why?'

"Mom, why didn't we pack our clothes?"

"Because, we will buy new things which will suit us better, when we get there..." She answered my question so easily as if it was nothing.

That's another thing about my mother, is that she isn't a very mysterious woman. I never know anything about her.

I don't know where she works, but I know that she always has money.

I don't know anything about her life besides the life we lived at home basically.

We have never really ran out of anything. She had adopted me from when I was still six on the adoption place, but she took care of me like I was her real son.

I felt the edge to ask her more questions.

"Why didn't you tell me about this before?"

"Because it was ment to be a surprise."

"Oh." That's all I said.

"You still have more questions?"

I shook my head. She then smiled at me and drove us to the airport.


There we arrived and I saw Jackson on the entrance looking straight into my eyes.

How did he know that we were leaving? What a fucking creep! He was carrying a head, it was of the man that he had been fucking.

He suddenly smiled at me, when he saw, that I saw what he was carrying.

I was terrified and my mom didn't seem to care again.

I then started shaking again as if I was engrossed by deja vu.

I tried to ask her to go back, but she wouldn't listen. She didn't even pay me any attention to anything I was doing in this moment.

I saw the eyes of that man's head opening, then Jackson laughed harder.

I then woke up, from that dream.


I woke up instantly and I realised that we had already arrived at the airport, what a terrible fucking dream!

My skin was sweaty.

It was an irony of the dream. What I saw in reality was different.

My mother got out of the car and she went to the boot of the car. She took out some luggage and she gave it all to me.

I was puzzled to why she did that, she then gave me a plane ticketand told me that her time to be my mother had expired.

Well that was strange.

I didn't expect any of it to happen this way.

Well I do know I was her adopted child but I didn't think that she could abondon me like this, after all the years we've spent together.

As I looked at her, with pleading eyes...

She said to me, "Jackson would murder you, if he sees you here. I am not leaving with you, for your own safety. You need to disappear and never be found. That plane ticket is going to Florida, not London. Make a plan on how you would hide. I will not be contacting you for the next months, until I know that it has died down and that he's s not searching for you. Take care of yourself."

She tried to cares my cheek with her hand, but I wasn't having it. I removed her hand from touching me.

She was hesitant for a second. She saw the pain that was on my eyes and she tried to conceal it as, nothing but I just became so blunt about my anger, "Are you fucking abandoning me Susan?! I'm not fucking scared of him! The only thing I want to know is: why? Shit! I am not even 18 yet. Why are you doing this to me?" I started sobbing.

She came closer to me and gave me a very hard slap on my face and said, "I am doing this for you! I told you to stay away from that man, now I see him teaching you gay sex? Did you think I would let that slide? Now you want to get fucked by older men? I didn't abandon you.

I just need you to know that in due time you will need to become a real man and you will have grow up and be on your own. I also won't be staying in the same complex next to that pervert. Just know this, I will always look out for you. There's enough money to keep you going on that bag. Take care."

She then left me.

I tried to cry but I was powerless, I didn't know what to say or do. I stood there and watched her car vanish into nothingness.

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