Damn:4 😱

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Did you ever wake up feeling like maybe your best is yet to come? Thinking that you had everything figured out. My luggage was missing. I was seriously screwed. What could have possibly happened? Even my ticket.

I was also not in a slow lounge any more... I was sleeping in a park bench. I literally freaked out, I could have noticed when somebody was picking me up, but I didn't.

Suddenly I heard a phone ringing. I took it and I saw a number I did not know.

When I answered:

"Are you ready to play hide and seek?"

The voice was not of someone I could have recognised, because it had an auto tune to it. It reminded of a man from the scream film.

The person who was doing this couldn't have been so fucking cliché, to make such a dumb prank.

It's like he was reading my thoughts because the next thing he said:

"But baby I am your worst nightmare. I am he who you wish you could have escaped from, but you see the thing is you didn't because you missed your flight and you're now in a park bench and I am watching you right now."

I started to feel very uncomfortable, this person was starting to get really creepy now.

"Now listen here... " He trailed off," I want you to slowly strip for me and show me how bad do you want it."

I stood up and started running, I wasn't going to answer him. Who was he anyway? I suddenly heard a speaker nearby speaking loudly, "Oh baby doll, you made a bad choice, now look at you running towards me and I saw a man wearing the costume from the same Scream film waiting for me with open arm. I screamed and I woke up from where I was...

That was the most weirdest dream, I have ever had.

My luggage was still there and I saw another man sitting beside me. He was laughing at my reaction and I noticed that he had dimples, that were so fucking gorgeous.

He was just finished, laughing at me but I still found him sexy.

I reminded myself that I still needed to leave the country, as Susan my former foster mother had informed me.

The man beside me said, "Sorry, I just saw you being so peaceful and I didn't want to disturb you, but then I saw you freaking out so suddenly. That was such a funny thing to witness. I am Chriss by the way." He introduced himself as if he had not just insulted me.

"I am Mark." I lied to him. He seemed to have catched me on my lie because he immediately cringed, immediately after I said that.

"Why would you lie? I can literally see your name on your ticket."

I saw that I was still holding the ticket on my hand and I became embarrassed. I didn't show it though...

"Why are you talking to me, you're the weird one, watching people sleeping. You're literally a creep!"

I stood up and went to the reception area. As I got there I realised that I still had two more hours before my plane arrived.

I went back to where I was. I then felt like something or someone was watching me.

I looked at that man who was laughing at me earlier, he was just reading his magazine. It was like I had not insulted him minutes ago.

I also continued to take a nap...


When I woke up again, I found myself not seated where I was, I thought I was dreaming again but I wasn't.
I was already in a flight and besides me was the same man from the slow lounge.

I woke up and I searched for where my luggage was, but I did not see it. I looked at the man who was still sitting besides me and I asked where I was and how did I get there?

He looked at me as if he was puzzled, he said, "I tried to wake you up but you were fast asleep. I then picked you up and got you here. Your luggage is on that cabinet." He pointed that cabinet.

I then started to relax but then I panicked because I thought, how did he know which plane was I suppose to take?  He then said, "Florida, your ticket was written Florida... Okay relax."

The time frame, how did he know what time I should have taken it? I was so uncomfortable with him, it wasn't funny and the weirdest thing is that he kept on reading my thoughts.

I stood up and went to a bathroom, when I got there I was panicking. I wanted to figure a way to ditch that man and go take another plane. He was so fucking creepy.

I slowly walked out of the bathroom, I noticed that he was still reading something. It was a my journal. The one Susan gave to me. Why was he even taking the same plane with me?

I went to one of the air hostesses and I asked her where the plane was going, she said, 'Florida' and that she saw the man who was carrying me, he said that I was family. I then visibly panicked. I asked if, 'had we taken of already?!' She answered, "No, the pilot had not arrived yet."

I sprinted and ran for my bag on the cabinet, but it wasn't there. Chriss poked me and asked if was I looking for something, I snapped my journal from his hands and said, "Where the fuck did you put my bag?!"

He opened another cabinet and showed me my luggage. I took the bag and asked the hostess to let me off the plane. She did, and I went to the reception and asked if could they change my ticket.  That I wanted to go to New York, now.

I hadn't read the entire information on that journal, but I was sure Susan said that 'I should hide myself and not be found.'

If a strange man read my messages, how was I going to be safe?

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