Chapter 7

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Don’t worry, little bird, I’m sure you’ll find a way to break free of that cage someday. The life of a samurai’s wife wouldn’t suit you. I can’t imagine you as some obedient child bearer, so I believe your dreams of marrying for love will come true. Although, I must admit I envy the man who gets that privilege one day. They will certainly be lucky, and I hope they treat you well.

Is that too forward of me to say? Well, even so, it is the truth. Something about you makes me want to tell you thoughts like that, things I may not even be able to admit to myself. I think maybe it’s your kind heart. I know that I can say something even as bold as that, and you won’t hold it against me.

But, that’s also why I hate the idea of you being sold to marry the highest bidder, just to benefit your clan. Perhaps it’s just my lower-class thinking, but I can’t agree with it. Someone with a heart like yours, who is full of so much life, shouldn’t be forced behind closed doors for their entire life.

Enough of my ranting, though, I don’t want to sour the mood.

You said you’ve never been to a bookstore, is that right? Why not? I know you aren’t allowed to leave the house, but weren’t you able to go while supervised? If not, maybe I could get a book for you. I know of a small store not too far from the house, so I’m sure I could get you any book you wanted. If you’d like, I can buy one for you and send it with my next letter. Think of it as a thank you for putting up with a delinquent like me enough to reply to my letters. Gihi.

Also, it may be a lot to ask, but I had a question for you. Are you familiar with the Fullbuster clan’s oldest son, Gray? My friend that I told you about in my last letter, Juvia, has been a maid in the Fullbuster house for a couple of years, and greatly admires Gray. I don’t know if nobles are allowed to mingle with the opposite sex, but if you are, could you ask him about her? Nothing too obvious, I’m curious if she’s as invisible in the house as she thinks she is. I’d bet the little money I have that she isn’t. (But, don’t mention any of what I just told you to him. That would be the death of me…and Juvia wouldn’t be merciful.)

If I may say so, little bird, I don’t think even the ocean could keep me from writing letters to you. Sure, it would take a little longer for them to reach their destination, but I enjoy reading your honest thoughts and kind words. Although we have only been writing to each other for a few days now, your letters have become a part of my life. Every evening when I get home from my other duties, I look forward to opening the folded stationary and reading them by the open window, sometimes even seeing you as you watch the stars from your own window.

This letter, however, will reach you a little earlier. I usually place them in your letter box after the meetings, but this one I will deliver before I go to bed, so that you may get it in the morning. Perhaps it will make the day ahead filled with meeting s and more marriage prospects a little more bearable. Maybe I’m being presumptuous, but I’d like to think my letters make you smile, even if only a little. I know that yours have that effect on me.

Until tomorrow, little bird.




It's true, his letters do make me smile,  like now for instance. I tucked the letter into my kimono and decided to write him an early letter as well. His letter this morning definitely made that awful meeting with that slimy man more bearable. I pulled out my stationary, unable to hold in the giggle when I saw that I was running low. I hadn't expected the letters to continue like this, but they did and I couldn't be more happy. I hunched over my table to begin my letter, scratching away.

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