Isolation (chapter 1)

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(Btw you are 19 in this)

Reader's POV
I was laying on my bed listening to some music.Everything was boring since you finished school since that was one of the only reasons you went out side but no you have your own house since your parents kicked you out.The only reason you had enough money for this place was because you were living with your friend.They were one of the only people who talked to me in highschool but I was happy that I had atleast someone,They soon became my best friend.

They had a normal job that I couldn't remember at the moment but my minds all over the place.After while I heard my stomach grumble meaning I needed to get up and leave my safety of my room.I walked over to my closet and grabbed my galaxy jumper that my friend recently bought me.

I walked out of my room and to the kitchen which was on the other side of the house.I turned the light on and saw it was late at night making me sigh since my friend proabaly went to her boyfriends house.Oh yes I forget to tell you new voices in my mind about her lovely boyfriend.I opened the fridge but was startled by a loud bang outside.I stood frozen in place since I really didn't want to be robbed.I heard outside and at the side of the house which was in front of the kitchen.

I closed the fridge door and looked out the window only seeing rain droplets and darkness.I stepped back and debated going out and investigating but at the same time I really wanted to see what it was.I walked to the front door and put on some quick shoes then walked outside.I walked out the gate and walked to the side of the house see garbage bins.I saw two of them had fallen over which made me disappointed since it wasn't what I really wanted to see.I walked over to them and picked them up putting them to the wall but saw something behind them.I reached into my pocket and hoping to find your pocket knife(btw you have the knife to cut yourself so it's stained with blood just so you know.),I grabbed it and took it out moving the bins so I could see what was behind it.

It was a doll,I wasn't familiar with it but then again I don't get out much.I picked it up and saw a male doll with orangey-red hair,Blue overalls which were pants and folded at the bottom reaveling many colored fabric which was the same as its sweater which was slightly dirty making me cringe.He also had some red shoes which on the bottom said 'Good guy's'.I held him by his waist as light rain fell,My knife was still in my hand so I put it into my pocket and looked into the doll's ice blue eyes.

"Why were you out here,"I asked myself quietly and walked in side still holding the doll in your hand as you walked inside sliding you shoes off.I forgot about grabbing something to eat and walked to my bedroom shutting the door and turning the light on.I put the doll neatly onto the bed and looked at it for a second,I put the knife in the draw next to my bed since that was were it normal goes then began questioning myself for bringing him in but sighed then walked out remembering my staving stomach.

I walked to the kitchen again and looked in the cabonit to find something to eat instead of the fridge.I looked on the top shelf to see pop-tarts making me smile,I grabbed them and put them into the toaster then waited,I got a plate and once they were done.I put them one the plate and walked back upstairs opening the door and saw the dolling looking in the draw I put the knife in.I felt my heart beat faster and dropped the plate screaming.The doll looked at me startled.I back out of the room causing the doll to jump off the bed.

"hey wait!Let me explain!"The doll yelled in a masculine voice as I looked around me franticly for some sort of weapon to use against this doll.You began to question who this doll was after before since you thought it was part of a ritual called 'One man hide and seek' but the person who performed it would be being chased not you.You looked to you side and saw a bat that your friend used since they did a lot of sports.You looked back to the doll who looked like he was about to say something else.You made a quick motion to grab the bat and hit on the head as hard as you could causing him to fall limp onto the ground.You looked at him for a second and you new you had to get ride of him but before you could do anything you heard the front door open meaning your friend was home,Guess they weren't spending the night.

You rushed inside the room and grabbed the doll shoving him into the closet that stored your junk with the upper shelf having your elect stuff such as cords and stuff.You greeted to your friend with no response meaning she was to tired and just wanted to go to sleep.You opened the door and saw the doll still past out and leaning on the wall.You looked around the room for something to tie him up then put him into a bag to ditch somewhere.but part of you wanted to keep him,You were always lonely so maybe he could provide company but he was reaching into the draw that had your knife so why.You walked to your bed and looked for the rope you had then pulled it out but seeing a random skipping rope.You sighed and walked back over the closet then proceeded to tie the doll up as tight as you could.

You picked him up and walked over bed tieing hip to the beg of it,You made sure he wouldn't be able to untie him self then you sat at your computer waiting for him to wake up,You weren't going to sleep incase he walked up and somehow escapes or he yells and makes you friend some in.You decided you weren't cutting tonight either cause this was more impotent.

You waited all night till he woke up.

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