Running away...again(chapter 12)

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Reader's POV:

The sound of metal clashing together,I sat up tiredly rubbing my eyes hoping to become more awake.I moved my feet off the bed to feel the cold wood touch my bare feet as I stood up.My hair was all messy as I walked to the bedroom door.I brush my hair with my fingers to make it look some what neat,I fixed up my shirt as I walked down the stairs to the kitchen seeing Chucky on the counter with a pan on the stove with (whatever you like).Next to that pan was another but this one had a type of meatball.I yawned than sat down at the table.Chucky noticed me and smiled as he jumped down from the counter onto the chair than walked to the fridge.He opened the door than grabbed out a drink,He got back onto the counter grabbing a cup.He poured the drink in than walked to the table getting up handing me the drink.

I smiled and noticed it was one of my favourite drinks.I began to drink it as Chucky sat on some books on his seat so he wasn't so small.I held back a chuckle at this as I continued to sip my drink.I glanced up at Chucky to see him awkwardly staring at his hands,I was about to ask what was wrong but Chucky stopped me.

"Hey can I uh ask you something?"I tilted my head at the question and nodded as he looked at his hands again than me."Are you...Gay?"I froze,My whole body turned to ice as the worlds left his mouth.My body went numb as I turned my head to my drink.

'How did he know?!Did I make it to obvise!'My head filled with thoughts and the room around me was disregarded.I thought this friendship was going okay but of cause it wouldn't last long after all he tried to kill me.

I felt like lmy heart stopped as I felt something being pressed to my arm,I jumped up from my seat dropping the drink.I glanced down as I held the arm that was touched to my chest,Chucky was standing on the table looking at md with concern.He could be faking it,He could be like all the people in my old town.

Chucky looked like he was about to speak but I turned around and ran out of the room.I was debating running to the car to drive off or maybe back to my used to be room.I felt something wet drop onto my hand as I stood still,I already knew I was crying like a pathetic thing.

I failed to notice something tug on my leg and someone talking as I shut my eyes tight.He was going to hate me like everyone else,I killed he girlfriend already why shiuldn't he kill me.

I was dropped to my knees as a force hit behind my knees making me weak.I turned my head down not wanting to see the disgust in his eyes.A tug on my chin made me look up at him.My eyes were red and buffy as more tears glidded down my cheeks.

"Kid listen pleasd don't have one of you weird episodes..."His voice was soft not wanted to make anything worsd than it already was.My eyes went distant ignoring what he said I closed them again waiting for him to yell at me but the room was silent besidss my cries and ragged breathing.I opened my eyes again to see chucky sitting in front of me waiting for me to calm down.

I whipped my eyes with my sleeve and stared down at chucky still not fully convinced he was okay.He smiled hoping to calm me down as I weakly smiled back than remembered why I ran out.I turned my head to the side sitting crossed legged in front of him.

I heard a sigh in front of me probably coming from chucky,"Never expected to meet a gay kid,"He chuckled slightly than I felt him look at me."Kid I dont hate you,I dont even hate that you like other dudes!"Chucky exclaimed standing up and walking to me.I glanced over at him,He glanced the other way than back at me."Tiffany said I was a freak for being a gay murder heh."He akwardly laughed as if he's nevee told anyone this.

My eyes light up thinking there was some hope,I leaped forward and hugged him.He stiffened still not use to physically contact but relaxed as he patted my back."Happy kid?"Chucky chuckled again and I nodded into his shoulder.A pit in my stomach was still there but atleast he doesnt hate me.

Alone no more(chucky/child's play x Depressed!Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now