I don't hate it...(Chapter 13)

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Reader's POV

I opened my tired eyes and sat up holding something warm to my chest,I glanced down seeing a still asleep chucky holding my shirt with an arm around me.I blushed dark red and changed my chair so I was sitting.I kept him in my lap since i didn't want to wake him,I began the car and wenr to a gas station to fill up the fuel.I frowned as I put chucky back in his seat and search the car for any money,I smiled and I founded a twenty dollar bill and a ten.I opened the car than began to fill the car up to amount I had,I shut the fuel tank.

I began to paid for the fuel as the person looked at me weird glacing at my arms.I py my hands in my jumper pockets and looked down at the ground.

I beagn to leave nd hear her mutter 'freak' under her breath as I shut tdotheor.I shock my head As I got back in the car putting the reicet in the glove box than started the car driving off.I heard movement next to me to see chucky waking up.

"Morning sleepy head,"I chuckled as he hsir stuck up,He frowned and fixed it than looked outisde the car seeing where we were.

"Yea mornung to you to,"He said yawning."How long have you been up?"I glanced at the time puttin up two fingers.He shruged than leaned back in his chairI glanced at the houses around me and saw kida outside happy till I came to the apartment complex chucky said andy was in,I parked the car.

"This the place?"Chucky glanced up at it confused.

"Tiff said he lived here now so lets hope."He smiled than jumped in the back showing me a box.I was hopeing tiffany wasn't wrong as chucky laid in the box.He told me to go to room and say the bpx was a gift for him.I nodded as chucky stayed still as I rapped the box up making sure to give him his knife.I got out of the car holding the box as I looked the car,I walked threw the doors and asked fpr andy's room and she suprisly told me a room to go to.

I walked up the stairs till I got to andy's room knocking on the door glancing down at the box worried.A man opened the door to be around twenty,He smiled than looked at the bpx confused.

"Is thw box for me?"He asked and I nodded handing it to him."Wanna come inside you seem cold?"He offered nicely sp I nodded and followed him inside as he set the box on the table.He got a phone call snd began talking on that as the box began to tear open quietly,I stepped awag snd leaned pn the wall as I glanced to andy seeing him putting the phone down.He grabbed a shotgun which seemed to have been hidden behind the couch,I tensed as Chucky sat up getting a gun pointed to his head.Chucky turned around but stopped seeing the end of the gun.

The world stopped as Andy was about to pull the trigger I ran at him pushing the gun up so he shot the roof.Andy looked shocked snd pushed me back as I held the gun up so it wasn't pointing at anyone.

"The fuck are you doing let go!!"I shock my head as I tried to get the gun out of his hsnds but he shoved mr to the ground holding his foot on my chest as he moved to look at chucky seeing him gone.He yellrd fuck as he pulled me up and shoved mr into a room and shut the door hoping to protect me.He held my shirt snd kept me in the corner and he glanced around hoping to see chucky.I pushed myself off the wall.

"Why are you trying to ki-"I was cut off as chucky grabbed my neck shoving me to the wall again.

"I'm killing him becuase he ruined my life!"Andy turned as the door knob turned,His grip losened and I kicked hisleg making him stumble away from me.I ran at him still hoping to take the gun not wanting chucky to be shot.My hands gripped his neck and I tighted my grip,I heard a voice behind me as chucky tosed his knife next to my knee.He wanted me to kill someone....

I shock my head and grabbed the knife as Andy gripped mg hand sround his neck while his other punched me in the face.I cried out of pain than was shoved to the floor as andy trapped my head and bagged it on thr ground hard than tried to do it again till I stabbed the knife into his side turning it.He shoved me harder than backed up about to pull the knife out till chucky beat him stabbing it into hid neck up his skull and spine pulling it down to his hips as Andy's eyes rolled into his skull as he dropped limp near my feet.I scooted back as Chucky pulled his knife out jumping up and down in joy.

Alone no more(chucky/child's play x Depressed!Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now