leave me (chapter 4)

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Reader's POV

The voice startled me so I quickly opened my eyes and was about to get up till Chucky was now sitting on my chest.I stared into his blue orbs which showed angery,frustration and worry?I was about to speak but my throat was blocked making it impossible to speak.Chucky looked down at me expecting an awser but he got nothing out of me as I sloely laid my head on the groud closing my eyes turning my head away from the doll.I felt the weight from my chest leave making me opene my eyes only to see him sitting on my lap looking at the still bleeding wound.I was about to quickly sit up still I felt slight pain on my back making me pause my actions.Chucky noticed this than got off of me as I felt more tired,I saw this and he seemed to panic.Before he could yell at me to not fall into the dark void of sleep I was already out cold.

My eye slowly opened to darkness.I felt slight pain all over mu body but not as much as I remember,I began to sit up slowly and examined the room around me seeing it was all old.I relized it had to be the old abandoned house but who brought me here,My mind filles with questions making it me hold my head from the pain.I didn't realize that I had no shirt on and I was covered with new bandages that covered my new and old untreated wounds.My arms were also wrapped up from the cuts I self I flicted onto myself,My thoughts were cut when a creak was heard from the door.I quickly glaced up fearing the worst only to see chucky with a bag that he was dragging,My breathing went back down in past as I reseted my head on my hands again.

I heard more creaking than something being tosed,I felt a tug on my leg causing me to glace down.Chucky stood back now that he got my attention,"Well I'm expecting an expansion for all those wounds you've got."He didn't sound angry now curious he just said it.I decided to keep it to myself but not taking was only gonna actually make him mad.

"Why do you care?"I asked looking down at the ground leaning on my knees with my elbows for support.A grunt was heard as chucky walked towards me than grabbdd my arm making me fall onto the ground on my knees infront of chucky who held me neck,It was tight he was only retaining it still allowing me tp breath and speak.I stared into him blue eyes which stared at me with hidden emotion.

"I don't care but I did just spend more than three or so hours patching you up so I pretty sure I deserve the reason of them,"He spoke never breaking eye contact.I was slightly shocked that he was the one that patched me up,I didn't know who did it at first but he was my last guess.I glaced at the ground than sighed.

"Fine,"My voice was filled wuth regret as I thought of an exsuse since there was no way I was telling him I'm weak and let my parents abuse me.He let my neck go and back up allowing me room to sit on the floor.He stood in front of me with a good distance between us as I glanced at my forarms where I cut myself.Chucky glaced at my forarms confused,I was about to speak till a buzzing was hear making me recognizes it as my phone ringing.Chucky glared at the end table that held my ringing phone.I stood up and grabbed the phone looking at the caller id seeing it was my friend's,I sighed as I anwsered it holding it to my ear.

"You can come home now,They're gone."They spoke in an annoyed tone since they would have waitedfor me to come home but obviously had better things to do than beat there son.I didn't say a word as I ended the call glacing at chucky to see him holding the bag from before.I was about to ask what was in it till he pulled out a new outfit probably from my room.I looked downat my jeans to see them coveredin blood and cut.I sighed as he set the bag down and left the room,I quickly got dressed than left the room meeting chuckys standing on a chair at the door window.

He got downas we both proceeded to walk till he stopped.I glaced confused by his actions till he did grabby hands."I...I can't be seen walking in public..."He asked embarrassed by his words.I refused the urg to laugh at this as I picked him up and proceeded to walk thw same way I came to head home.Once I was outside I knocked on the door to be greeted by my friend who dragged me into the house.I let out a yelp as she held my arm where I cut,She released me and made me drop the bag.Chucky was already dropped when she dragged me inside so he was now sitting at the door.

"Listen,(Y/n) I can't keep doing this for you.I'm sick of this,I invited you to live with me expecting everything to be fine but now I'm dealing with your stupid problems!"She yelled ay me voice filled with anger.I back up with shock.I was about to speak but was cut off by her grabbing my arm."We had a deal and you've broken it (Y/n)."Venom laced her words,I felt the urg to cry only for her to shove me back down to the hard wooden ground."Get out (Y/n),Go live with your parents again you'll probably like it more there anyway."She turned away as I quickly stood up about to grab her arm in hope of convincing her that I'll try harder and to not kick me out of the house.She hit me straight in the chest making me stumble back."leave,"I ran down the hallway to my room to pack my stuff,At this moment I forgot about the doll.Footsteps came towards me making me turn and see my 'friend' again."You better be gone once I ger back,got it?"She didn't really question it was more like a deman.I nodded as she left me alone in what use to be my room with a packed bag on the bed.

I fell to my knees and curled up into a ball to cry,All the memories replayed of my old house and what she did tp help me but I guess it was all for nothing,My vision was blurred and my hearing was filled with my pathetic sobs.I failed to notice small footsteps creeping towards me.My arms were tightly wrapped around my legs as my head leaned against my knees.The footsteps stopped in front of me as I felt a small hand touch my arm making me flinch and  curl up more.

"Kid?.."The voice sounded hopeless,This cuased me to look up seeing Chucky standing in front of me as his hand hovered over where I was touched.I felt worthless and pathetic,I bet that is all he thinks I am.My eyes were still filling with tears as the depressded thoughts continued to fill my mind.I froze as I felt two small arms wrap around my waist,I glaced down seeing Chucky hugging me eith his hwad turned towards the door.I was frozen still as I he sat on my lap still hugging me.I whipped my eyes with my sleeve than hugged him."It's uh okay..."He sounded so awkward as if he's never comforted someone.I smiled at his effort,Than remember what happened but push the thought away as I was enjoying the hug,It felt like years I had a huv even if it was from a doll who is possessed by a serial killer.

Alone no more(chucky/child's play x Depressed!Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now