Can't run away (chapter 11)

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Reader's POV:

I was half listening to Chucky ramble about how he kills people,I glanced around the room seeing how run down the place was but it was still liveable.My memory made me remember why I met Chucky,Near the side of my use to be house,I wonder what he was doing.I was caught from my trance from a loud coughing.I sat up quickly and turned to the noise seeing Chucky with an upset expression.I smiled nervously as I put my hands in my lap.

"Whatcha daydreaming about kid?"Chucky asked with his classic smirk.I shrugged in response causing him to think for a second but continued his stories.I told him I needed to get something,I left him on the kitchen table but moved the chair so he could easily get down.I walked up the stairs ignoring the blood pool I have yet to clean as I walked to my room,I shut the door than began to dig threw my bag until I grabbed out a ripped part of a newspaper.It was the one I showed Chucky a few days ago.The news paper was about three months old,I sat on the bed staring at the boy in the photo.I made my hand to a fist making the paper crumble,I stood up and stretched than glanced at my bag again.Something caught my eye,My hand reached in to grab a broken picture frame with me and my family.The date at the bottom read 1975,I was six when this was taken.Before all the abuse.I smiled slightly but frowned since I don't remember packing this.I stood up began to walk down stairs hearing someone talking,I heard Chucky's voice making me walk towards it but stop.

"I just need this kid to drive me to Andy's new house to kill him than I can finally get a human body,"Chucky smiled as he looked at a map he probably found around the house,I was froze. 'Of cause he was using you!' A voice yelled making me back up.I ran away from the kitchen out the back door since it was the closes,I stared running into the woods that were behind the house but I tripped falling over a tree root that was out of the ground.My foot was still near the root while my other one was beneath me.I used my hands to support me as I held my stitches in pain.A light come from in front of me making me look up and see my phone with a cracked screen.I cursed under my breath but stopped when a phone number rang me,I sat on my knees as I grabbed the phone than held it to my ear as I answered it.The other line was silent so I responded with a 'Hello is anyone there?' Once I said this I heard a giggle on the other end.It was familiar.

"Oh hello son~"My mother's voice rang through the phone my body went stiff and my blood went cold.I've blocked so many numbers but sadly you can't block private numbers.My hand went up to my mouth trying to be as quiet as possible."Oh dearie why don't you let your lovely parents visit yo-"Before my 'Mother' could continue I hung up on the call than stood up.I would rather be used by someone I thought I could trust than see my parents again.The phone started to ring again so I put it on silent than began to walk back but stopped as I glanced around.'Which way was back?'

I panicked than choose a random direction than ran that way.I ran out of the woods but I saw no house I only saw a fast food restaurant,Mall and other houses.I slowly walked to the road looking around to see if I remember anything.I saw a highway near the forest so I began to walk that way but just as I was gonna touch the railing my left arm was grabbed.I turned around quickly to see a man around his thirties,I grabbed my arm and tried to make him left go.

"Oh look who it is,It's our gay fucking son!"The man yelled as the smell of alcohol came from his mouth,I pulled back trying to make him let go but he ended up dragging me with him,"You came to visit us I see."He said smirking but growled as I tried to scream for hell but ended up being tossed to a ground,I looked around only to see no people as my father crept closer.Why did Chucky's old house have to be in my parents suburb.I used my hands so I could crawl away from my father,I quickly stood up but proceeded to step back.I glanced around and saw an exit but before I could bolt away someone came towards us,I was about to scream for them to help me but when I saw he eyes and smirked I realized this was my mother,I moved out when I was seventeen but she had not changed at all.

Alone no more(chucky/child's play x Depressed!Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now