Cut cut cut! (chapter 7)

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Reader's POV:
I hugged the object to my chest closer as I stuffed my face into the neck while I slowly woke up but kept my eyes shut,I still wanted to sleep so I just layed there content.I felt as if the world didn't exist.I was close to falling asleep again but than remembered what happened before I fell asleep than realized what I was hugging,I opened my eyes and tried to sit up but my neck was being hugged while my arm had weight on it.Chucky had his arms around my neck and was sleeping on my arm.

Panic,I panicked as he hugged my neck alittle more.Heat rose to my cheeks.I tried to remove my arm but he moved again making me stop.'What am I supposed to do?!'I screamed in my mind as I was frozen as a stature,I tried again to move his arms from my neck but gave up and just decided to sleep on him,My head was rested on his stomach while my arm was still underneath him as I closed my eyes.I began to relax than felt Chucky moving while he mumbled something,He seemed to stop once he realized I was on him.If I moved now he would know I did it on purpose but if I don't he might wait till I 'wake'up.I was about to move but tensed when I felt something stroke my hair,I tried to relax since the sensation stopped.For a second I enjoyed it but time felt as if it froze.

I felt his other arm unwrapped from my neck as he wriggled out of my grasp.My face was now in a pillow as small footsteps left the room,Once I knew he was gone I sat up quickly.Did he pet my hair or was I imaging that?!I touch the part of my hair he touched and sighed as I leaned on the bed with my elbows,Part of me wanted things to go back to the same but having Chucky was different and I think if that feeling left I'd miss it quite a lot.

"Fucking hell..."I swore to myself as I realized I might actually like Chucky,I was officially gay.I got off the bed feeling the coldness of the floor making me look down seeing I had no shoes or socks on.I looked to the end table seeing my phone,keys and jumper sitting there.I looke down at myself still in pants with a short sleeved shirt.The bandages were exposed making me cring,I stood up than noticed the bathroom door open so I walked towards it and tested the tap water seeing it actually still worked.I smiled than walked out to go to my car to get my bag for a change of clothes but stopped when I saw Chucky standing at the door looking around the room in panic but hide it when he saw me.

"What are you doing?"He asked as I walked towards him and grabbed the keys to unlock my car even though I don't remember locking it.He looked at the keys than me,He responded with 'I'm coming' I didn't complain as I walked down the stairs only to see him struggling,I thought it was adorable but got scolded by the voices making me regect the thought to help him so instead I walked to the door than waited,The voices said I shouldn't helped him which lead to an iner debate only to be diserbed by Chucky tugging on my pant leg.He was about to say something but I blushed from embarrassment than opened the door going to my car,I opened the back door to grab my suit case and duffle bag.I closed the car and remembered to lock it than went inside this time I actually opened the door instead of standing there.I walked back up to the room I slept in,Chucky following.

I dumpt the bag and suitcase on the bed,I opened the duffle bag and saw my favourite bang's shirt.I than grabbed a pair of boxers than a pair of pants,Along with other items.I glanced over at my jumper but decided to let it stay on the end table as I walk to the bathroom,Chucky climed on the bed once I shut the door.I grabbed something I wanted to hide from him.I put the items on the counter top seeing the shiny sharp object lay on the pants underneath the tshirt.I smiled but felt something tugging me to not cut.I ignored that side and started the shower making it just the tight tempter from me.

I walked into the water causing it to fall on my face and hair,I smiled since for some reason in the shower I felt so calm.I grabbed the shampoo than began to wash my hair,than rinsed it out.Once I was all clean I was about to turn the shower off but remembered the knife,The voices said to do it.I looked down at my arms sees scares and some brusies.I grabbed the knife closing my eyes as I presses the blade to my skin than slashed across cutting the skin as the all to normal crimson liquid seeped out,I slashed the knife against my skin again feeling the pain go through my forearm but felt some how pleasure.I smiled as I continued to cut my skin,The water from the shower was dripping on the cuts making them sting but it washed away the blood.Once I had covered my hole forearm in cuts I realized what I did making me whimper.Than I realized why Chucky was waiting outside,He needed to patch me up with clean bandages.


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