Am I dead?(Chapter 10)

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( (H/n) means Hated Nickname / Sorry this one is a little long )
Reader's POV:


I was daydreaming in class about random things on my mind,none of them important well not now that is.The clouds in the sky slowly moved revealing a beautiful blue,I smiled but I was startled by a loud bell making me turn my head back to my H.A.S.S class.Everyone was backing up their stuff to leave so I grabbed my pens and pencils putting them in my pencil case them put it in my bag along with my subjects book.

I stood up from my chair and began to rush out of class hoping to get away from the bullies,I put my backpack on my back as I ran out of the classroom than down the hall.I saw the exit come into view.I stopped when I ran into an object making me tumble to the ground landing on my bottom and my bag next to me.I glanced up in front of me to see the person I ran into only to see the leader of my bully group,Kassie.Her long brown to blond hair reached the middle of her back as her fring was wavy.Her eyes were grass green catching the light making them slightly brighter.Her school shirt was tucked into her short school skirt while her thigh-high socks only showed a small amount of skin.Next to the queen of the school was her stuck up boyfriend the classic leader of the jock team.His dark brown hair was fluffy with the sides shaved,His eyes were greeny-blue as he stared down at me with his mouth in the shape of smirk,His name was james.

I sighed as I looked up at the two,Kassie smirked as she crouched down to my level with her boyfriend inches away from her.I backed up only to be grabbed by my collar than dragged out of the school by the two,James held both my arms as they lead me to behind the school.I screamed at them to let me go but this only made them laugh as I squirmed.

Kassie made her first hit to my gut causing me to try and curl up in pain only to have my hair tugged back up as I stared into her eye.

"Wakey wakey (H/n)~" Her voice lingered in the air as she continued to hit and punch me in every spot she could while James held me still,My hair was still in his tight grip causing my head to no longer move unless I wanted to rip the hair off my skull.

" ( Y / N )~~"

" ( Y / N )~"

" ( Y / N )!"

" ( Y / N )!!Wake UP"

My eyes opened to someone screaming at me,I tried to move my body but it felt so stiff.I arched my back in pain as I closed my eyes tightly.' What's happening?!'I asked myself as I heard yelling next to me to stop.I couldn't see or hear very well so I just heard something loud next to me.I laid down on my back only to feel pain on my lower abdomen

"K....D......S....OP!...OV.....ING"I only heard parts of the sentences but from what I could make out it kinda sounded like 'Stop moving', I tried not to move as the room started to darken around me again.I couldn't move my body no matter the pain but the pain started to fade away.The person next to me seemed to see this and panicked more than they already was,I tried not to sleep every tho the voice's in my mind told me just to sleep.I failed to stay awake an ended up falling asleep again,Half of me wanted to stay asleep but the other half told me to wake up.

My body was numb as I opened my eyes which felt glued shut.The room around me was dark causing me to see nothing but moonlight coming from the window.I attempted to move any part of my body but ended up groaning from the stiffness and one side my abdomen hurt.I moved my hand to the best of my ability and glided it down my chest to the area that hurt,I felt stuff pocking out of it like it had been stitched.My memory was hazy so I had no idea what happened who why I might be stitched,Talking about my brian it hurt like hell as if it was hit by a truck going a hundred miles an hour.

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