Kill me already (chapter 3)

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( (Y/n) = Your name (L/n) = Last name) )
Reader's POV

I stared at the newspaper article for a few more seconds than at the doll who was struggling against the restraints.I tried to keep my eyes open,I put the chip bag o the floor near the draws as I out the article on the draw.I rubbed my eyes as I heard a chucky in front of me.I glaced up seeing the doll smirking at me.

"Tired there kid?"He spoke in a way that told mr that he didn't need an answer as he already knew he was right.I ignored him as I leaned my elbows on my knees as thwy rubbed my eyes trying to get ride of the sleepiness I had.Usually I could go for days without sleep but I'd already done that so I was actually extremely tired.I felt the doll grunt from no responds.I stood up but wobbled as I left the room making the doll yet again yell at me,I sighed ad I glanced at the time.It has only been four hours since I found this doll but could I trust him to let me sleep for a couple hours.

I agured with myself as I was about to fall alseep in the middle of the hallway i heard a door open.Looking at the clock again I relised that my friend would be coming home that heading off to work.I slowly walkrd to thw kicthen making myself a coffee to hopefully wake myself up to eatch the doll.I walked to my room only to be stopprd by my friend,She glared at me making me step back.

"Why are the bags under your eyes so visible (Nickname)?"She spoke worriedly as I walked past her making her sigh.I never really spoke to anyone not even her since we were kids.I avoided her having to hear my awful voice.Walking back to my room I shut thw door forgetting about the doll as I sipped my hot coffee.I was interrupted by a 'ahem' making me look down at the doll.I sighed as I sat my coffee on my computer desk than sat down infrount of him again.I was about to speak but he stopped me.

"When are you going to untie me?"He asked annoyed,I debated it but glanced towards my draw than walked towards it making him strugle again."Hey no!Don't grab the knife I won't attack you!"The doll yelled making me freeze.I glaced towards the draw than him.I walked back towards him slowly reaching mt hands towards him than began to untie him.Once he could move I back away quickly,The doll sighed in relief as he stretched.He than seemed to flash back to reality when he relised I was still here.He scratched him neck,"So uh,You got a name kid?"He asked but sounded like he didn't actually care.

I stared at him for a couple of seconds before mumbling my name making him glare at my quiet voice."Speak up would you,"He said annoyed.

"(Y/n) (L/n)"I still spoke softly but he actually heard it this time,His face turnedto confusion than he looked like he wouldn't bother asking the question.I sat cross legged but this time I wasn't that close to him.He stood up than put his hand to his chin.

"Names Charles Lee Ray but I prefer Chucky,"He smiled as he introduced himself.I smiledat his pose.But quickly hide it with a fake normal expression,We both sat in awkward silence till his stomach grumbled from what I presume was hunger.He held his stomach looking at the chips for a split second than at the ground in front of him.I stood up than walked towards the door looking back at him,better off I help him.

"Want some food?"I asked as he glaced up at me probably devating if he should trust me.He stood up with out saying a word as he followed me to the kitchen,I was about to question what he wanted while I had the refrigerator open.He glared up at me making me questions my years of living.

"I can't see shit kid,"his response made the voices scream atmy stupidity,I was about to go get a chait till I felt him grip my pant leg makingme look down at him."Just pick me up."He responded makung me pick him up by under his arms than held him so he could see the continents of the refrigerator.His eyes darted around till the landed on a dish my friend made a while ago,It was a type of meatball.He pointed to it so I set him down and grabbed them than put them into the microwave to be reheated.I yawned as I leaned against the counter waiting for the meatballs to be finished.

Chucky glacned up at me yawning but lookrd back towards the microwave for his food as I continued to try my best to not dose off.I was caught out of my depressed thoughts by the beeping of the microwave,I opened it than got the plate out than handed it to the dolll eith a fork.He walked to the table than crawled up the chair so he was now sitting,He ate his food as I sat opposite him.My phone made a sound making Chucky look up for a second till he continued eating as I granbed my phone out of my pocket,My friend had texted me that she wanted to come home early making me panick.I quickly stoood up leaving chucky who had stopped eating.I put my phone in my pocket.I wasn't panicking cause my friend was coming home it was the reason.My parents are coming over.

I raced towards my room and quickly got dressed as I put shoes on than ran back to the kicthen seeing Chucky sitting on his chair facing me filled with confusion,I was about to speak till he interrupted me.

"What's wrong with you?"He asked annoyed but also curious,I dabated leaving him hear but if I do I might never see him again,Atleset that's what I thought.hearing a car outside made me finally come to my sense so I grabbed chucky than ran out the back door.I felt him hit my chest demanding an answer,I put him on my shoulder makinghim hold me as I jumped over the allyway fence than proceeded to bolt down the other allyway to the street.I ran down the street going to the place I always go which was an abandoned house near a park.

I stopped at the park taking big breaths as I leaned on my knees.Chucky was on my back with his arms around my neck.Now one was around since this park from the house,I was about to stand up till I was thrown to the ground from behind.I was laying flat on the ground with Chucky standing on my back.

"What the fuck was that about!"He yelled at me,I closed my eyes not wanting to remember what happened last time they came over and my friend wasn't there."Well!?"He continued to yell till he stopped realizinghe wasn't gonna get any responses out of me.He got off of my back than walked over to my head grabbing me by my hair and lifting my head up like that,I grunted and looked at him to be met with frustrated blue eyes staring into my soul.I was aboutto grab him hand to make it hurt less by he held a sharp rock in his hand,I closed my eyes ready to feel the sharpness of the rock cut my skin but nothing happened.I opened one of my eyes seeing Chucky had put the rock down but still held my hair in his hands."Why won't you anwser my question?"He asked in an unamused tone but for a second I thought I heard concern.

I glanced towards tbe groundmaking him huff and dropp my head which landed with a thud making me grunt in pain as I held my head hoping for the pain to leave.Chucky was looking around,I sat up hearing my phone go off making me grab it and shut it off not wanting to hear they fake concerned voice asking why I was.I stood lookong around I was about to start walking till pain filledmy leg making me fall to the ground so I was on all fours.The pain came from my cafe which was recent cut and wrapped up.That happen last time my parents came over and that isn't the only injury.Chucky looked back at me confused.I stood up and tried to walk but failed miserably,Chucky sighed than walk off leaving me.I sat in pain,I glanced around seeing chucky was no where to be found so I lifted up my jeans to see my bandages wore soaking in fresh blood.I couldn't do anything so I just laid back onto the ground letting my thought take me away,I could die right now from blood lose and no one would care.

I closed my eyes as pain still filled my leg,I felt so tired till a voice stopped my thoughts."Who the fuck did this?"

Alone no more(chucky/child's play x Depressed!Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now