About that...(Chapter 6)

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Reader's POV

I exhaled the breath and looked at the moon that was setting,I felt so tired from lack of sleep.I didn't want to sleep in case Chucky woke up and decided to kill me.I closed my eyes and next thing I knew I was asleep.My tired eyes opened slightly to bright lights making me hiss,I sat up but stopped as I realized I slept for good knows how long.I sat up stretching uncomfortable since I slept in a car seat.I glanced at the seat besides me in panic only seeing Chucky looking threw the map,He looked up at me somehow knowing I was staring at him.

"Sleep well kid?"He asked without any annoyance,I was confused but shrugged it off and thought about my sleep.I honestly didn't sleep well from the position but I also had a nightmare,I know I'm not a kid anymore but I'm not really an adult either.It was memories of my past of living with my parents,He saw me daydreaming making him think I got no sleep at all.He was about t question me but I just nodded hoping he wouldn't question anything.He just shrugged and gave me back the map as he stared outsides as I rubbed my eyes attempting to get ride of the tiredest so I wouldn't get pulled over by the cops like I almost did last night.I suffocated a yawn as I turned the keys to start the engine.For some reason I felt as if I still hadn't slept but I ignored that and backed out of the street I turned off on,Chucky seemed to look around than at me confused.

"Wait this wasn't where we parked?"He began as I tensed up and turned to the road as I drove hoping he would ignore the fact that he slept while I continued to drive.He caught on to this which seemed to make him more angered."When did you fall asleep?!And don't think I'll ignore this like the other five hundred questions I've asked you!"Chucky yelled as he stood up in his seat as I turned on the high way,The voices scolded me for doing what I did only making me want to shrivel up to dust and be blown away in the wind.Chucky yelled at me to answer him.

I spoke in a quiet voice saying 'I just...'Chucky glared daggers at me as he crossed his arms as he sat back in his seat,'He wasn't dropping this'.'I wasted all my chances and he'll leave me like everyone else'.'No on every stays just like what I thought was my best friend'.

I pulled my hood back over my head as my hair went over my eyes hiding my face the best it could,I tried to not break down into tears again as we drove the last couple of streets to his house.Once we got to his street Chucky stood up and pointed at a house that looked in pretty good sharp,The house was atleast a two story with a attic.Tress and vines grew on the tree as I drove near the house than stopped the car as Chucky jumped out of the car.I sighed as I grabbed the keys and my phone seeing as it vibrating while I was driving.

From the corner of my eye I saw Chucky running up to the house,I opened messages as I saw missed calls from my mother and a few texts from her.I was tempted to just close my phone but read them any way.

Mom:Hey we went by you and friends house but they said you went out

Mom:Anwser me you good dam disgrace of a child

Mom:I'll find out where you live and I'll make sure you never leave again

I looked my phone as I put my head in my hands,I head a knock on the car door so I opened it to see an impatient Chucky standing there with his arms crossed.I got up while putting my phone and keys in my pockets than followed chucky up to the door which was creaked open.He pushed it open than walked in happily as he looked around the place probably to see if it had changed since he last saw it,I walked around and explored my self seeing it was rather dark.I walked up the stairs than down a hallway seeing two bedrooms with a bathroom down the hall.I opened the first bedroom to see two single beds one decorated as if a young child slept in it while the other was plain.I walked in only to see the wood planks had been stained with something,I left the room and went to the next one seeing a double bed with a fairly decorated room,I looked around it more and saw a large closet which made me step out of the room.


I  hide in my closet with my clothes as my drunk father screamed at my mother,Tears streamed down my already tear stained face as I listened to there screams.Everything stopped when glass shattering was heard,I turned to my side to see I had dropped a vase that was stored in my closet.The pieces were scatted across the ground I was once sitting on,More tears streamed down my face as I heard feet stomp up to my room,I tried to open the closet but was met with the smell of alcohol while my mother forcefully grabbed my throat,I let out a cry of pain while my mother threw me to the floor while my father grabbed my wrists than cut them with his beer bottle which was shattered from slamming it against my head,I scream at him to stop as he dragged the small piece of glass down my forearm making sure to do it slow to make it more pain full.I cried to my mother only for her to slap me,I still screamed for help as they continued to torture me because it was fun.

~End of Memory~

I glanced down at my forearm seeing the scare a small part of the scare that was at the palm of my hand.I cringed as I remember the pain I felt,How much I scream for help to they got sick of my voice so they tried to slit my throat but failed since they didn't want me dead and also missed my vocoid cord by a milimeter.It was so pain fully to speak and it still sorta is so I save myself from speaking,My voice was horrible anyway.I was cut from my thoats as I heard a cough from behind me,Not remembering It was a memory I flew into fight or flight reflex and turned to the sound at the speed of light only seeing Chucky standing there,He looked as if he was gonna tell me a joke about the place but that changed quickly as he saw my face,He looked confused but concerned.I didn't realized until now that I had tears falling from my red eyes.I quieckly whipped the tears from eyes as I turned away.Chucky stepped forward but as I was gonna speak my throat wouldn't allow me,I felt everything crash on me at once than fell onto my knees ending up in a 'W' shape with my legs.I put my head in my hands.

"I'm so-"I was cut off as Chucky grabbed my shoulders making me look into his blue eyes.He glared at me tightening his grip on my shoulders.

"No,No I'm fucking sick of this.What am missing!"Chucky yelled at me feeling hopeless,He wasn't wrong I've dragged him out of the house from my family,I was kicked out of my house from my family which he doesn't know,I've had at least two break downs and are incredible tired.Chucky let me go while he gripped the brigde of his nose while I just sat there pathetically crying,I heard shifting in front of me than I felt something tugging my arm.Chucky was leading me some where,He lead me to anouther room on the opposite side I was looking.The room had a double bed,The end tables were oak with glass in the middle but before I could look around more I was pushed onto the light blue sheets on the bed.I sat up but was pushed onto the pillow with Chucky sitting on my chest looking deep into my eyes.I decided to sleep since it seemed I had no other choice and I did start to feel the side affects of sleep lose so I just closed my eyes but felt confused as I didn't feel the wait leave my chest,I opened one of my eyes to see Chucky looking at the door but once he saw he awake he glared and shut my eye himself."Sleep"I sighed but fell asleep in seconds accidently moving my arm to hug Chucky...

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