Messed up Past(chapter 8)

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( (F/c) means Favourite colour )
Reader's POV:

I cursed to myself as I turned off the water than wrapped the towel around my waist,I sat on the toilet seat with my hands in my wet but clean hair.My recent cuts still stung but I wasn't worried about that,What the hell am I supposed to tell Chucky.I've already not told him enough but would he really care if I self-harmed myself I mean he did try and kill me the first time we met.I sighed thinking back to back to the fight I had with my friend,I shouldn't have dumped all my problems on them but friends are supposed to help,right?

'They help not deal with every fucking problem you have idiot'I heard a voice tell me.I was startled by a knock on the door making me sit up only to hiss.

"You done yet?"I heard Chucky's voice ask impatiently.I got up and put my boxers on than a shirt,I looked in the mirror seeing the cuts exposed.'Now or never'I said in my mind as I left my pants since some of the places to get patched were on my upper legs.I unlocked the door to see Chucky leaning on the frame,Once he noticed me he turned away quickly than walked over to the bed.For a split second I thought I saw pink dust his cheek.Chucky motioned me to sit on the bed so I did as he walked to the second end table which was pressed up against the wall.My arms were tightly hugged around my waist to hide the cuts hoping for some odd reason Chucky decided not to patch my arms up.

Chucky walked on the bed next to where I was sitting and told me to lay on the bed so he could patch me up better.I proceeded to lay on my back making my shirt rise a little revealing my (F/c)ed boxers,I kept my arms glued to my waist.Chucky hadn't noticed this yet as he grabbed something to disinfect the wounds than grabbed the bandages,Chucky walked back over to me than extended his hand for my arm.I slowly moved my left arm out to him closing my eyes.

I heard a confused noise come from next to me,I felt something touch one of my cuts near my palm making me close my eyes more and whimper.I didn't like people seeing me in pain but I kinda had no choice in this matter if I wanted it or not.

"Did...Did you do this?..."I heard Chucky say as if he didn't believe I would hurt myself on purpose,I opened my eyes slightly to see Chucky staring at each of my cuts.I opened my mouth to speak but no sound was heard,Chucky looked up from my arm to look at me.His eyes were filled with confusion but a hint of pain.He wouldn't care so why is he feeling pain.I went to pull my arm away but he made sure to grab my wrist with out touching any of the cuts."Why?Why the fuck would you purposely cut yourself?!"He yelled confused.I sat up slightly,I looked into his eyes as I felt them slightly begin to fill with salty tears.Chucky saw this so he glanced down at the cuts than spoke softer."Just tell me why you would do something like this kid..."

I stayed off into the distance as I thought of were to start telling him what happened when I was younger and why I do this now.I closed my eyes and took a breath.

"When I was born my mother and father were the best parents I could wish for,I was there perfect little boy."I began as I remember all the stuff we used to do."My father went off to woke while me and my mother were at home making food till he came back in tears.His father had died in a car accident,He and my mother went into there room to talk but all I heard was them fighting.I went to there room to see mom on the ground holding her now bruised cheek as my father stood above her with anger in his eye.I ran out of the bedroom and got to the living room only to be grabbed by my shoulder than through to the ground,I looked up at my father as he kicked me in the stomach saying it was all my fault."I whipped my eyes as I felt someone staring at me,I glanced down at my foot seeing a scar going from on of my toes to my ankle."I got up to my best abilty only for my foot to be caught by a table leg making it fall onto the leg as the glass in the center shatter cutting my leg.My father left the house as my mother helped me but than she stopped caring about me the more my father abused the both of us until they decided to make It there little hobby to torture there son."I glanced back up at the door."All the kinds found out I was being abused but didn't tell anyone and said I deserved it,I did after all.It was all my fault my fathers dad was an alcoholic so he crashed his car."I recalled the memory of my dad screaming this to my seven year old self.I felt tears stream down my cheeks as I remembed all the horrible things my parents called fun.

I was startled by two small arms hugging my waist,My other arm moved away as I glanced down at Chucky who was hugging me while looking off into the distances."I not very good at this feel-lys shit but what your parents did to you was fucked up,You didn't deserve what they did to you no matter how much you believe you do."Chucky's blue eyes stared into mine. I smiled slightly as I whipped the tears that kept falling,Chucky stood up and whipped them away as I laid my head on his chest listening to his heart beat.I wasn't going to question how he had one I just tried to calm my heart rate to his.

My eyes began to close as I softly cried into Chucky's chest but for some reason he didn't seem to mind it.

I felt something strocking my hair again but it stopped for a second as Chucky spoke,"We never speak of this,Got it"He demanded quietly as his head turned to the side as I laid on him.I sowly nodded my head as I felt like falling asleep,Usually when I try and sleep it's impossible but with Chucky it seemed a hundred times easier.I fell asleep to Chucky's heart beat and him stocking my hair.

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