You're a what? (chapter 2)

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Reader's POV
It was quit late at night and I felt like passing out from exhaustion.I heard a nose startling causing me to fall off the chair and drop my phone.Haft my body was on the chair while the other was on the ground,i opened my tired eyes to see the doll slightly moving making me get up quickly and look at him again.The doll groaned as he tried to move only to realize his hands and legs were tied.I rubbed my eyes then reached for my knife but forgot I put it back into the draw,I cursed under my breath as the doll's eyes opened revealing his deep blue ones.

I stood up hiding my fear with confidence in my eyes as I walked towards him and kneeled in front.He looked at me with a frustrated expression and tried to move his hands."Your hands are tied."I spoke softly as he proceeded to glare daggers at me,I refused to urge to call him doll so I kept it to myself.I stood up and examinded him to see if he was going to grab something or he had a weapon on him already,I saw movement and reached into my draw slowly he saw this and panicked.

"Hey what the hell are you doing!?"He yelled slightly so I stopped then looked back at him.

"Do you have any weapons on you?"I asked softly since I just woke up from the smallest nap every and still felt like pasting out.He ignored the question and saw the bags under my eyes and laughed.I glared and reached into my draw grabbing my knife.He stopped and stared at it then back at me,I walked away causing him to yell where I was going but I ignore this as I opened the door and walked out to see if my friend was hope.

I walked to her room to see the door open and no sign of her meaning she just came to grabbed something.I walked to the kitchen since I was sorta hungry.I grabbed a bag of chips then proceeded to walk to my room.The door was left open and I heard someone yelling and grunting.I walked in to see the doll struggling to get lose but so far had no hope.I slightly laughed at his attempt to free himself till he looked at me and glared then proceeded to yell.

I sat down cross legged in front of him and open the chips then proceeded to eat,I was about to start question him till I saw him eyeing the bag then his stomach growled with hunger.I was stunned with confusion.

"You hungry?"I asked making him turn his head angerly.I took a large chip out and held it near his face making his eyes lead to it."You can have it,"He looked back at it then was about to bit it till I moved it away making him growl."Answer one question then I'll give it to you."He frowned at first but sighed.

"Fine what is it."I smiled then thought of the most import question.

"How are you hungry and Why did you want my knife?"I asked as he looked back at me then the chip.

"I'm hungry because...."The doll tried to think of a response that I would understand and that would make sense to me."Because I'm a human soul in a doll and this body is turning more human I stay in it.I wanted the knife to kill you."I looked at him shocked,I back up and put the chip on the bag in front of him making him curse at me since I didn't give it to him.I walked over to my laptop then grabbed a piece of paper near it then sat down putting the chip near the dolls mouth making him rip it from my hand and ate it quickly.I showed him the newpaper piece,It was an article about a boy who claimed his doll was possessed by the soul of Charles lee ray.He looked at it and smirked.By the response guess he was the doll on the paper.

Alone no more(chucky/child's play x Depressed!Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now