The end??(chapter 9)

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( (H/c) means Hair colour/s)
Reader's POV:


I turned the lock on the bathroom door as I backed up till my back hit the bathtub,Tears of pain threatended to fall as I stared at the door in fear.The crismon substance ran down my left leg and the side of my head causing my once soft (H/c) to stick to my skin.I tried my hardest to slow down my breathing as I heard the noise of stomping footsteps aprouch the bathroom door untill the bangs were thrown at the door making me hold my head as I cry.I heard my father screaming at me to open the door,This only made me shack in fear and curl more into myself hugging my knees closer to my chest.

My mother left for work leaving me home alone but about an hour or so ago my father came home,The blood from my head started to make me feel light headed making the world go quiet around me but I refused to sleep.

Once I knew my father had left I slowly stood up and leaned onto the bathroom wall as I made my way to the sink for the medical cabinet.I climbed onto the sink than opened the cabinet searching for the aidkit,Once I found it I grabbed it only to slipped off the sink counter than onto the rug on the floor,I cried sliently to myself as I grabbed the bandages than proceeded to wrap them around my lower leg than around the top of my head.I made sure to put everything back than unlocked the door to hopefully run to my room to escape any more beatings my father had planned.

Memory end

My eyes opened,I saw a same room from the memory.Not knowing it was a dream I panicked making me sit up quickly.I heard shuffling next to me making me turn only to put my hand to support myself off the bed making me go with it,A groan erupted from my mouth as the room around me changed to the one I vagally remember falling asleep in.My vision slowly came back to me,I blinked a few times than saw Chucky on my legs which were still on the bed glancing down at me.

"Uhhh...Morning..."I awkwardly said blushing from embarassment.Chucky chuckled slightly as he just leaned on my knees.

"Morning kid~"Chucky said in a cocky tone smirking to top it off.Chucky got off of my knees so I could get up,I stood up forgetting I only had a shirt on but realized I was all patched up.Something poked my leg making me look down seeing Chucky holding the pair of pants I left in the bathroom,I blushed and grabbed them.I proceeded to put them on as Chucky said to meet him in the kitchen.Speaking of food I was starving.I grabbed the things I needed in my room,(Phone since I can't go anywhere without it XD)Well I felt like it was my room now.

As I was walking I saw near the stairs there was a lift thing,I was a little confused why Chucky would need that but thought maybe he wasn't living alone.I stopped as I put my hand in my pocket and brought out the ring I found at tiffany's place.Were they together.They were fighting and Tiff put Chucky in a 'childs play' pen,Maybe they left on bad terms.They were still together weren't they,I could just leave since I have interfered in their relationship enough.I sighed as I glanced down at the kitchen entrance than a window I could climb out of to escape easy,But where am I supposed to go.

'Away from them you fucking idiot!'I cringed at the yelling voice,I looked once more at the kitchen before I heard yelling from the front of the house which caught me off guard.I quickly ran down stairs putting the ring back into my front pocket than saw Chucky being held by his ankle by no other than tiffany.I gasped which made her look up at me glaring daggers at me.

"You! "Tiffany said with venom dripping her words,I glanced at her than at chucky who seemed to be asleep.For some odd reason I felt the odd feeling to protect him,I glanced besides me seeing a metal baseball bat along with other sports gear.I grabbed the bat as Tiffany put Chucky into a bag than glared at me grabbing a curvy knife from her pocket.

She bolted at me with her black heels hitting the ground,I felt fear but pushed it aside as Tiffany swung at me causing me to bring my bat to the side were she was about to hit.She went to swing the knife at my chest but with all the force I could I hit her neck with the bat making her fall to the ground,I backed up but this caused her to moan in pain than got up holding the side of the neck I hit.I gripped the bat harder swinging at her again but instead she grabbed it but still took the hit shoving her up agaist the wall.I pressed the bat tip to the centre of her neck as I glared straight into her eyes.This didn't stop her though she moved the bat so I pressed harder but she lunged the knife into my side making me yell in pain letting her go and stumble back looking down at the knife which was still lunged in me.

Tiffany laughed at my pain as I gripped the bat harder than with more force than before I bashed the side of her skull into the wall causing a bone cracking noise to be hear.I watched her body go limp on the floor while blood started to pour out her head,Tears welled up in my eyes.'I fuckin killed someone'I backed away from her body but stopped as I fell to me knees glancing at the knife.'Can I get injured anymore!' I yelled in my mind as my left hand gripped the handle of the knife than stopped looking down at it,'Do I rip it out of leave it?'

"Fuck it,"I said than ripped the knife out of my side which began to bleed as I screamed in pain dropping the knife to the ground.I sat there with my left hand which ripped the knife out now on my wound trying to stop the bleeding.I struggle to stand up but eventually did as I walked over to the bag I saw Tiffany put Chucky in.I continued to hold my side as I grabbed the asleep Chucky than walked over the dead body up to bed room to get something to stop the wound from bleeding,What if I leave it and die.I didn't have much choice anymore as my vision turned to blurry images till darkness as I dropped to the floor but I made sure Chucky didn't get fallen onto so he fell in front of me as my hand that is now bloody left the wound to bleed out.

...Please let me die...

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