A Ring? (chapter 5)

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Reader's POV
I packed all my stuff as I began to walk out of my use to be room,Chucky was following me.I had a my hood up to cover my face,I was pathetic.I opened the front door as Chucky jumped onto my suitcase so he wasn't see moving,I walked to my car which I got after two years of living in this house.I put my bags in the back seat as I out Chucky in the passenger seat.I sat in tbe driver seat and rested my head on the wheel trying to think of where I could go now that I was kicked out.

"I've got a place we could go,"A voice said next to me causing me to turn and glace at Chucky to see him fiddling with his fingers.I grabbed my world map book that was under my seat and handed it to him,I haven't spoken since my melt down.Chucky pointed to sn unknow eara so I stared the car than followed the directions to this place.It was silence as I drove,Chucky was staring out the window hoping time to past and we'll be at the place.

We were sitting at a red light when Chucky decided to break the silence,"So we forgetting what happened back there or what?"He spoke not really questioning me morw like it was a fact.I simply nodded hoping the topic to drop."Okay than we'll forget it,"Annoyance fìlled his voice.I sighed and looked at the light seeing it was still red.I glared at the light hoping to make it green but nothing,It changed after multiple seconds later.I began to drive realizing that we were getting closer,I saw a park with lots trailers.I glanced down at Chucky to see him grinning,I parked on the road than got out and walked to Chucky's side.He pointed to a trailer as I closed the door than began to walk to the one he pointed at.

I knocked on the door as Chucky told me to greet the person as 'Tiffany'I nodded as the door opened to reavel a girl.The girl looked me up and down till her eyes landed on Chucky,She smiled than let me inside.I stepped up into the trailer as she shut the door.

"Chucky?"She questioned as she glaced into Chucky's eyes.Chucky stared to moved and smiled at the girl.Tiffany grabbed him out of my arms,She kissed him on his doll lips making me look away awkwardly."Yea I missed you too tiff,"Tiffanny smiled at his response than glaced up at me

"Who the hell are you supposed to be?"Tiffany questioned me as I was stunned frozen,I didn't know how to respond,Chucky saw my responce as Tiffany continued to glare me down.

"He's the person that helped me tiff,"Tiffany didn't seem to like the responce but ignored it as she walked away with Chucky on her hip.I was about to say something till the two started to talk.I decided to take a look at her place,Looking around I see different parts of dolls and things making me slightly creeped out.I was broke out of my search as a bang was heard,I quickly turned to the sound seeing Chucky in a childs crib as Tiffany glared down at him but I could see she heartbroken in her eyes.

Tiffany turned to me glaring."Your as good as dead,I no longer need you."Tiffany charged at me causing panic to rise in my heart.I quickly jumped to the side doughing her knife that was about to penetrate my ribs,I searched my surroundings for a weapon.My eyes landed on a lamp that was close to me but it seemed sharp,I grabbed the lamp as Tiffany charged at me again.I slammed the lamp onto her head making her fall unconscious at my feet,I stared at her body.

"Dam kid,"My thoughts stopped at I turned to see Chucky staring at the scene,I kicked her arm to see to responce as I slowly moved away from Tiffany with the lamp still clenched in my hand."You just gonna stare or are you gonna let me out,"Chucky chuckled at as I turned to him dropling the lamp snd walkrd towards the crib to see it had a gold lock preventing his escape,I glaced around for the key than say it on a tall self.I sighed as I stood on a chair than jumped to grab the key.I jumped back down than unlocked the crib for Chucky,He stood up than climbed out snd stood on the counter.

"What now?"I spoke after atleast eight or ninr hours,Chucky looked at me amused and shocked.

"Forgot you could still speak,"He chuckled at his own statment,I regreted what I said as I glaced at the stove to see it was cooking something,Chucky was already walking over to it.I glaced into the crib out of curiosity but saw something shiny,I grabbed it and brought it up so I could see it.It was a diamond ring.I looked at Chucky to see he was looking at the pots insides,Chucky didn't seem like the person to be married maybe its Tiffany's ring but why would it be in the crib.I was interrupted by Chucky's voice."What you looking at?"He asked as I put the ring in my pocket than anwsered with 'nothing'.

I glaced up to see him walkinf back to the counter he was on before.He looked at tiffany than back at me with a face that read 'well shit',"Maybe coming here was a bad choice,"I respond with a nod agreeing with him.He began to walk to the door than demanded I pick him up and head back to the car to go to his old house.I did as told bringing him back to the car leaving Tiffany on the ground,I out Chucky in his seat as I sat in mine rethinking what just happened,I just hit a girl with a lamp since she was about to kill me.didn't I want death and it was served on a silver platter just than yet I didn't take it.I was thrown out of thought by being hit eith a water bottle,I held my head as I finnaly heard Chucky yelling at me.

"God dammit kid!!Listen to me for five fucking seconds,"He proceeded to yell at me as I stared at him with my hand to my head since he did hit me with a metal water bottle.He finnalh stopped yelling as the sun began to set,He took a breath than said we should leave this place to find a spot to rest.I wasn't going to bother telling him I wasn't going to be able to sleep as I began to start the car.I began to drive than parked the car somewhere random as Chucky began to fall alseep but made sure I was 'sleeping' before he did.once I made sure he was out cold I sighed in pain,Cutting was to risky and sleeping wasn't happening anytime soon.

I started the car up again than began looking at the directions to find Chucky's house or what he calls his house.It was far away and if I dont wanna get caught I have to take shortcuts if there are any,The voices started insulting me as I drove in the dark rarely coming across cars.I glanced down at the car clock to see it was one in the morning,I sighed at my wonderful luke of not sleeping.I glanced at the sleeping Chucky,I stared back at the road untill I started to recognize this place,I started to regret taking this shortcut.I glanced around hoping for me to me wrong,I wss driving down the street to my parents and it seems U'll have to drive past there house.

Memories replayed in my mind of what torture they put me threw,I continued to drive quietly not wanting to wake chucky up.My sleeve began to ride up showing my bandaged arms,Cutting would make the pain go away,Right?I shock my head making my hood fall reaveling my tear stained face with bags under my eyes.I proceeded to dirve doen the street coming past therr house making me drive alittle faster.I sighed as I was turning onto a different road,I kept telling myself I overreaction and every thing was fine,It was now four nearly five in the morning.I glanced at Chucky than at the map seeing we still had quite a bit further.

The road was quiet with barely any cars but that's understandable since it is really early in the morning,I drove onto a highway as the map flow into my lap causing me to slightly sway the car.I was about to grab it till I heard sirens,I looked over at Chucky on slight panic.Just because I'm nineteen doesn't mean I have a licence and I'm sure Chucky will be so pissed if he found out I'll go to jail or he'll just leave me.I quickly looked around the car hoping to find something to give me an idea to escape,I found nothing making me sigh as I began to speed up the car.The sirens continued as My car speed increased.

I turnes off the highway into a random road causing the car to past me,Maybe they weren't following me.I sunk into my chair as the moonlight shone on my chest and legs.My head leaned on the chair as I steady my breathing since I actually thought my life was over,If I went to jail my parents would have to pick me up and I don't want want no I can't return to that place.I decided to just wait for Chucky to wake up since we were quite close,And I need to take a breath.

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