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Josephine's POV

It's now morning, around two hours ago anna came and knocked on to let me know that we would be a having a small cast dinner tonight. I was looking forward to it, that was until she told me just how small the dinner was going to be.

It was just me, her, Jen and Hero. The second that his maw came from her mouth I felt nerves kicking in instantly. Am I ready to see someone who I caused so much pain? I don't think I am. She broke the news to me in a soft manner, she seemed uneasy when she was explaining. She knew already that tonight would be a struggle.

Once she left I had some time to my own. The new cast members wasn't here yet, they would be coming early hours of tomorrow so there wasn't really much to do. Khadijha was out doing some shopping, she asked me to go with her but I declined since I still had to get ready for tonight. I knew I would procrastinate a lot so I had to have all the time I could get.

In the early hours of the morning when I was woken up by another nightmare I heard the heavy, familiar footsteps of Hero. I held my breath as he walked by, only breathing out when I heard the slam of his door.

Everyone seemed to be busy, not here yet or avoiding me. Right now Inannas constant nagging would be comforting, I knew that in the long run it would be good that she isn't here constantly but being alone I missed not having someone to be annoyed at.

I grabbed my phone of the nightstand and messaged my parents. Katherine had tried to call me whilst I was asleep, clearly unaware of the time difference. I called her back and she didn't pick up. She was probably out with friends or in work. Everything felt lonely, I silently prayed that things would pick up soon.

Around an hour later I got bored and started to rip apart my wardrobe in a desperate search to find a presentable outfit for tonight. It was just a casual dinner but Hero was going to be there. I wanted to look eye-catching but not like I was trying too hard to impress him, or anyone for that matter.

A few minutes of contemplating passes by and khadijha comes bouncing into my room smiling cheerily like usual. She came behind me in the mirror that I was stood in front of. She wrapped her arms around my neck and slumped against me.

"Come on! Be excited, your seeing hero again tonight. I know you guys had a thing." She smiles knowingly as she says the last part.

"Yeah we did, but like you said had it's in the past now, khad. It's not going to happen again, we are going to film and do our jobs and that's it." I don't know if I'm convincing her or myself, either one it's dragging my hopes down with each word I say.

She sits on my bed and watches me as I put multiple shirts up to my chest. She doesn't say a word, she glances around my room. I'm watching her from the mirror and when I see her eyes land on navy blue dress hung up on my door she looks disgusted.

"Jo..." she starts before I cut her off.

"Don't." I tell her, I don't want to hear her rambling about my lack of style. I normally have my stylist or khadijha to force me into wearing skimpy outfits. She breathes out, I'm waiting for her rant about how I have a good body and I shouldn't hide it.

I must have heard her say it hundreds of times since I've met her, but nothing has changed.

She stands up and wanders over to where I'm standing. She opens one of the wardrobe doors and runs her fingers over the material hung up inside. She stops at a lace white dress, she pulls it out and I see her eyes light up instantly.

I do like the dress. The shortness of it though is not something I'm used to. I take another look at myself in the mirror and grab the dress from her. I see her smile in the reflection as I walk into the bathroom to get changed.

A few moments later and I'm in the right fired lace. It's clinging to my body and when I look in the mirror I feel happy with the girl smiling back at me. I flatten any creases out before walking out into the bedroom, khad is sat on my bed legs crossed and puts on a dramatic shocked face as soon as I enter the room.

I drop my head and laugh. "Jo you look amazing. I'm fucking jealous." She says walking over to me.

"If Hero doesn't want you after this, he's probably gay." She jokes.

"What time is it?" I ask her, I feel like I've wasted the whole day away worrying about if I looked good or not. "It's 8 minutes past 9 why? What time do you need to be there by?" She asks me.

"Shit." I curse as I grab my phone and purse shoving it into my small handbag. "I was meant to be downstairs 10 minutes ago." I explain to her.

"Oh crap, you better hurry. Have fun, okay?" The okay felt like a promise. "Okay." I smiled before I shut the door on her.

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