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Busy crowds and loud shouts along with screams swirl around my mind. There is too much going on, too much going on inside the walls of this stadium and too much going on in the whirlwind of my life. I can't focus properly, every word gets mixed in with the cheers of the crowds. I turn around quickly to try and find Shane. I grab onto his arm for some sort of comfort. Having him close by calms me slightly. I suddenly feel less alone in this busy place. "You good man?" He asks me, catching on to my frantic heavy breathing and my lack of presence.

"Hey, come over here. Let's sit down." He hurries his words and pulls me through the crowds and pushes me into a large backstage type room with some of the backstage workers I see hurriedly running around the set. "I think he's having a panic attack." I hear Shane say. His words are almost blurred, I can't explain it. I can feel my heartbeat in my head as well as pounding in my chest. "Oh shit. Urm come sit here Hero." He tells me while grabbing onto my arm to pull me down onto a seat. "It might have been the crowds. I know he has some stuff going on in his private life too so both of those things mixed together probably didn't help him." He explains to an eagerly listening roger. "It's all okay Hero." Rogers voice is close by me, an arm wrapped around me that I'm guessing is his as the fog in my eyes start to subside.

"We will cancel this scene and do it another day." I hear his voice much clearer this time and a wire of urgency strikes through me. "What? No, I can film this scene. I'm fine now." I tell him, not sure if I'm lying to him and myself or trying to convince the two of us that I am genuinely fine. He looks at me hesitantly and glances around at the group gathered in the room. "Are you one hundred percent sure that you will be fine? We can postpone it Hero, it's no problem honestly." He attempts to comfort me but I just jump at his touch. "I promise you I'm fine. It's over now, I'm all good." I force a small smile that he trusts. "Alrighty then, let's get this show on the road." He uses the term whilst throwing a bottle of water at me. "Once you've drank and eaten." He says whilst throwing a small granola bar at me. He winks before leaving the room along with his small crew. Now it's just me and Shane left alone in the room that feels much larger now then before.

I bite into the packet of food and Shane watches me anxiously. "I'm fine Shane, I don't need you to babysit me." He raises a brow at my words. "I'm not babysitting you, I'm just making sure that you are okay and behave yourself." He smirks at me with his snarky remarks. "Same thing." I take another bite. "Plus I'm not five, I'm obviously going to behave myself." I roll my eyes at him and he takes a bite of his own granola bar that he pulls out of his pocket.

"Roger gives these to everyone?" I question him and he just nods with a mouthful of fruit and nuts. "Wow, I thought I was special." I pout and take a sip of the water. "So...are you gonna tell jo about your little...mishap?" He asks me leaning pauses of breath before each word, some larger breaks than others. "I would rather not. But I know that someone will tell her." I look down at my two thumbs that are dancing around one another. "That's true, I won't tell her though." He assures me. I look up at him. "Isn't she your best friend?" I ask him and he nods without hesitation. "Yeah, she is. But I have respect for my other friends. If someone doesn't want me to tell her something, I won't." He tells me. "Oh, well thanks." I speak and he gets up from the seat and taps me knee on his way up. "Well we better get filming before roger comes and harasses us." He smiles and I follow him out of the door.

Things are much calmer now. There is still just as many people as before but now there isn't loud cheers and shouts of conversation coming from every corner. I take in a deep breathe and walk towards where Shane is. A few minutes pass by before we get the shout telling us to start acting.

"Come the fuck on!!" Shane screams at the top of his lungs. Shane swearing is something I'm not used to. Landon swearing is even weirder, that's one thing that the two of them have in common. Both of them rarely swear. I chuckle at the sight of his hands raised in the air and his frantic jumping up and down. "What?! How did that work!" He shouts again. I shake my head and stay almost silent for the rest of the scene. "That was fun." Shane says as we walk down the exit. I see the camera following me out the corner of my eye, encouraging me for my next line. "It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." I tell him and he smiles a large toothy grin. "Is the Hardin Scott warming up to me? I never through the day would come." He speaks while placing his large hand over his chest. I roll my eyes and I open my mouth to speak but before I can even get my words out a large overweight guy comes pushing through the crowd.

"Some people don't know fucking manners." I mutter, loud enough for him to hear. My character Hardin can't say much about manners but I'm guessing that's part of the point. That he's a hypocrite.

"Fuck off you little bitch." His low voice bellows his likes written down in the script and I glare back at him, taunting the angry guy. His face is a deep shade of red and he seems to be a ticking time bomb. "What a fucking cunt." I speak to Landon, raising my voice slightly this time. Wanting the freak to hear what I said. "The fuck did you just say!" He shouts out and the crowd backs off slightly like he stage direction says. "I called you a cunt." I argue back with him before a similar sized man runs up and drags his friend away by the arm with pleads to stop.

"And cut!" A man shouts dragging out the 'd'.

Side note: I already pretty much have the next chapter written. I just need to write around another 200 hundred words or so. So that will be up in the next few days or maybe tomorrow. Meanwhile tell me about you guys, how's your week been? Anything exciting happening in your life?

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