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Hero's POV

"Can you stop being so rough." I complain sarcastically as Ellen runs her fingers through my hair. "Stop complaining." She tugs at my hair purposely and I groan. "Josephine was in here earlier." I look at the reflection in the mirror and she wiggles her brows. I roll my eyes. "What did she say?" She continues to add a small amount of gel to my hair and shrugs. "Nothing about you." She smirks. "Did she have my phone by any chance?" I decide to ask now, Ellen wouldn't probably even know but I guess that it's a shot. I might have to go to her set and see if she has it. I haven't messaged my mum today to check up on her.

"She had another phone, I'm guessing that was yours then?" She grabs a make up brush of the side and stands in front of me. She brings her hand under my chin and swipes some liquid across my forehead. "Was she on it?" I feel a quick ping of panic run through my body. What if she saw my old messages with my ex. "Yeah, she was messaging someone if I saw correctly." She looks down at me and I her shoulders slump.

"Have I said too much?" Her voice becomes small and trails off. "Uh no, I said she could go on it. Don't tell her we spoken about this though." I rush the words out, she looks down at me knowingly that I'm lying to her but she doesn't bother catching me out. Hundreds of thoughts race through my mind, the main one being why she even had my phone in the first place and decided to go through it. It's almost 12 meaning that I'll have to go on set soon. I won't have be able to go get my phone by the time my make up is done. Around half an hour passes by and I'm finally able to leave.

I'm already running late and I contemplate being just a few minutes extra late. Instead I go straight to the set and quickly check around to make sure that jo isn't hanging around somewhere, she isn't. "Hero!" Roger shouts from behind a camera. He gestured me over to him and I do so.

(I can't remember if I've already said another director or something but I'm just gonna stick with roger now because ilh)

We take our places on set and Shane walks in. "Hey man." He acknowledges my presence a few seconds after he's walked in. "I didn't see you there." He says whilst pouring a carton of orange juice into a small glass cup. I just grunt and lean back into the couch. "You okay?" He asks me glancing up from what he's doing for a split second. I just nod and he places the glass down on the side and looks at me with a quizzical look on his face.

"Where's Tessa?" He asks me while glancing around the small room. Tessa and Karen left a few minutes ago to go water some shitty plants. "In the backyard, doing some gardening." I tell him and he chuckles. "My moms been at that for the past two days. I don't know why she's so obsessed with it." He trails off. There's a second of silence before he speaks again. "Anyway I'm gonna go out to them." He smiles at me before leaving the room.

Someone behind the set yells that the scene is done and I stand up from my seat. Me and Shane still have another scene to film, it's the hockey scene and we have to travel kind of far to get to the arena. It's almost twelve now so we should be there by one. "Hero can you make your way over to the car?" Roger asks me while pushing me lightly on the back, guiding me the way. I just nod and say nothing. This ride is going to be boring as fuck since I don't even have my phone.

"Hey, if you see josephine before you leave can you tell her to come to the car park and give me my phone." I quickly say before I get into the car, I doubt we would have time to wait for her to come here but it's worth a shot. He just agrees and walks away when I've gotten into the car. Khadijha walks by and bounces over to the car, I roll down the window and she leans in. "Where's jo?" She asks me tilting her head to the side. I just shake my head. "I don't know." Her shoulders slump. "If you see her before we leave can you tell her to give me my phone." I ask her and her brows knit together. "She has your phone?" She glances around the almost empty car park. "I'll go try to find her." She says before quickly walking off.

I push myself back into the seat and close my eyes. My head is thumping and I feel tired so maybe I can sleep while we drive there.

Josephine's POV

My heart is thumping and I can feel the worry slowly notting in my stomach. I've never done anything like this before and the thought alone is sending my body into a frenzy of worry. I check the phone every few seconds to see if she's messaged him but she hasn't yet. It's almost twelve and I'm just a few minutes away from where we agreed on meeting. I peek my head around the corner and see her pink hair, her back facing me. I quietly walk behind her.

"What are you doing here?" I break the silence, she quickly spins around and there is a look of horror on her face. I already know the answer but im curious for her answer. "Urm, I'm meeting someone." She stutters and looks everywhere other than me. "Hero?" I ask her and she opens her mouth and shuts it fast. "What no-" I cut her off my lifting the phone up in front of her face, the clear messages of her and what she thought was Hero lighting up the screen. "I can explain." She mutters, the words come tumbling out of her mouth.

"Stop fucking talking to my boyfriend." I take a step closer to her and I see her become weary of me. It quickly changes and she steps up to me. Her head tilted to the side slightly almost antagonising me. "Listen...Josephine." She breathes out while straightening her back to look taller than me. "He wanted me that night. He kissed me back." She lies to my face, she obviously doesn't know that I saw the cameras. "And there is nothing you can do to change that." She smirks.

I don't register what I'm doing before I slap my hand across her face.

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