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Josephine's POV

The air is cold against my skin, I watch carefully as three of the ducks circle one another and eventually follow one another in a almost straight line. It has already passed the season of the new ducks being born so I don't bother looking for any. I mean back against the chair to straighten my back and breathe in the crisp air.

I hear Hero sigh next to me, I glance at him and see that his hands are in his lap and he's picking at his thumb, a nervous tick I've noticed over time. He leans his head back so it's rested on the wooden plank. He takes In another deep breath and I look back at the pond. His voice scares me when he finally speaks.

"I spoke to Felix before." He says slowly, he's not in a rush to tell me about this.

"Yeah?" I ask, he nods. "That's good." I say, not understanding what he is trying to tell me. We sit in silence for a few more seconds before he continues on. "He told me something...that I didn't know." He turns to look at me so I do the same.

The seriousness in his voice makes me realise that this is something that's very clearly bothering him so I give him my full attention so I can try and help as much as I can. "He and some of my other friends went out with Rachel's friends last night." His voice is deep.

I can already guess where this is going and I feel my heart hurt for him. "She was getting with some other guy. Right in front of my fucking friends, they was basically fucking each other too, jo." His voice breaks at the end and I feel a wave of guilt come over me. I without thinking, wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into my neck. He doesn't pull away or stop me.

Instead he cries into my neck, shaking and wrapping his arms around my waist to get closer. I move one of my hands from his back to his hair and run my fingers through it in a desperate attempt to calm him down. I can feel his tears against my skin but I don't care. It feels great to have him this close to me after so long. I'm glad that he can find some sort of comfort in me.

Hero's POV

I don't know why I'm crying.

I didn't even like her that much.

I think I just like having the attention and affection from someone who's so willing to give it to me.

Of course, it hurts. It would hurt anyone, getting cheated on. But I'm not crushed like I would expected to be. She never seemed like the type to stick to one person, she also seemed like a clout chaser. We never made our relationship public but she would always post suspicious videos on her Instagram and snapchat which led many fans to speculate. We had massive arguments multiple times about her posting me but she didn't care.

I come back to reality when I feel Jo's hand on my back. Rubbing it up and down, going lower and lower each time. I can feel her hand on my lower back. She moves her hand back up and uses one of her fingertips to draw circles on top of my spine. I had goosebumps from her soft touch.

I figured that I would need to move away soon, people walking by didn't want to see a boy having a breakdown into a girls arm in the middle of a park. It's a bit of a downer so I pull away, despite not wanting to. I take a quick look at her and I see her facial expression change when I pull away.

I want nothing more than to nuzzle back into her neck and be in her comfort and protection but I can't, we can't.

"Can we go back to the hotel? Watch a movie or something?" I ask her. I don't want her to feel like I'm pushing her away and making things awkward, I want to spend time with her. As much as I can. She nods and gives me a small smile before we both stand up and start walking back in the same direction we came from.

I noticed that she's walking kind of far away from me, I don't like the distance between us so I step closer to her. Our arms are almost touching and I hear her breathing hitch. I smirk at the effect I have on her, just standing close by her is making her pant already. I haven't even done anything.

Memories of pants, gasps and moans fill my mind from many nights we spent together in the small bed inside our trailers. I have to try and think of something that's a turn off before I embarrass myself by getting a hard on in the middle of a park and more importantly, Jo.

I swing my arms purposely in a dramatic manner so that I am not brushing her arm against mine every time one of us take a step. I have to keep pacing myself so that I don't walk ahead of her since she has small legs. Every now and again I'm ahead of her and I have to slow down so she can catch up, that's one of the few downfalls of spending time with Josephine. She's extremely slow moving.

We spend the rest of the night watching stranger things season 3, both of us hadn't watched it yet despite it being out for a few months now. We was late to catch up on it. It's been quiet for a while now and Josephine hasn't spoken so I guess that this episode is interesting her more than the others. I look beside me and see that her eyes are closed. Her long eyelashes are resting on her pinkish cheeks. She's flushed because of the heavy duvet on top of her. I take it off her and put the less heavy blanket over her, making sure that she doesn't get cold.

I contemplate waking her up and letting her go back to her room but the peaceful way that she's sleeping, mouth slightly open letting out little noises in her sleep every now and again makes me want to leave her to continue her slumber.

I'm left with two other options, stay in bed with her and go to sleep or sleep on the couch in the corner of the room. Things between me and Jo have only started to get better recently and I don't want to mess it up by sleeping in a bed with her while she hasn't given me permission.

I groan and drag my feet over to the small, uncomfortable couch and slump down into it, I try to curl into a ball but my legs are too long. So instead I'm left in an uncomfortable position with my legs hanging off the side of the couch and a sleeping Josephine in my bed  just a few feet away from me.

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