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Josephine's POV

My blood runs cold. I have so many questions. "Was grace with anyone?" I ask her, I remember two girls staring at us slot when we was there. Maybe they was there with him. "No, he was alone. But Josephine if you are going to try and be in this 'secret relationship' you both need to be more careful, he said that you was making it really obvious." She bends her two fingers to show the question marks. "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry." I apologise to her while running my hands through my hair. I wonder how many other people saw, if trace say then it's likely that other people did too. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

"I'll let you get off, go speak to hero and sort out this." She gestured to me. "Hey jo, I'm happy for you both you, really. I knew that there was possibly something going on between you but I didn't expect it to actually happen and it's nice to see you together. You made Hardin and Tessa come alive on and off screen. Thank you got everything you working movie and just making the fans happy." She smiles at me and I can see the light reflecting on her watering eyes. I don't know how what to say in situations like this so I didn't say anything, I just smiled back at her and nodded. Hoping that she would know that I'm thankful.

As I walk away I grab my phone out of my pocket and type in my passcode. My phone blows up from notifications from Hero and I instantly feel the need to be with him. The nerves are eating away at my mind with every passing second, it's around midnight now so I guessed that he would be asleep. I have keys to his trailer so when he doesn't answer the door I unlock it and make my way into the small section. He's curled up with the covers high up to his face and all I can see is his messy, ungelled hair. I walk over to the other side of the bed and lift the blanket slightly trying not to wake him. I slide under the covers and don't bother getting into any other clothes, I have none here anyway.

As I turn my phone back on and start setting alarms I hear a quiet sniffle come from beside me. I stare at him for a second before I see the blanket on top of him shake. "Hero?" I say quietly so I don't scare him if he was asleep. "Mhm." He mumbles almost silently and I instantly know that there is something wrong with him. "Look at me." I order him but try to keep my tone soft. He turns around slowly and faces me. Even though it's dark I can see his bloodshot red eyes and the tears streaming down his face. "Oh my god what's wrong?" I rush my words out. He drops his head down slightly and wipes his face with the sleeve of his hoodie. "Diesel died." He whimpers and I see his bottom lip quiver for a second. I don't know what to do or say. When it comes to hero and diesel I feel like there is nothing that I can say.

"Come here, baby." He wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my lap. I run my fingers through his hair and it's soaked, I don't know if it's sweat or tears. His hand is on my thigh to hold himself in place and I feel his body shake against mine. I want to take away the pain that he is feeling but it's not possible. "He was my best friend. I don't know what I'm going to do without him." His voice breaks and I wonder too what he is going to do, diesel means everything to him and to have him die while he's away. I know it's going to drive him insane.

"I wasn't even fucking there when he died." His breathing gets heavier. There it is. He's going to beat himself up over this, I can already see it. "Hero you didn't know that was going to happen." I try to comfort him but he just shakes his head. "I should have spent more time with him before I left." He continues on. "You couldn't have done anything to stop it. Diesel was an amazing dog that was loved by loads of people, especially you and he knows that. He couldn't have had a better owner." I tell him and I feel his body relax slightly.

"I don't want to go home. I can't." He clings onto me tightly. "What? Why?" I question him. "I can't go home and be there when he isn't there, it won't be the same. Nothing will be the same." I believe him, I really do. Having someone in your life everyday for the majority of your life and having them gone with the click of your fingers must be awful. "We have a day off tomorrow so try to go to sleep now and then we can sort everything out tomorrow, okay?" I try to compromise with him. He doesn't fight me. He just nods and I pull him up. "Sit up." I tell him and he does so. We both lie down facing one another and he moves in closer to me. His forehead is against mine and I can feel his breath fanning on my face. He moves one of his legs so that it's intertwined with mine and smile at the small gesture. I open my eyes and he's out cold. His lips are parted slightly and small sighs and raspy breathing leaves his mouth.

"I love you." I whisper.

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