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Josephine's POV

Hero's friend Tom drags on about how we have to go out some time for dinner and to shop. I'm happy to jump at the opportunity but I want to spend some time with Hero, he's spending most of his time with Valand and Felix but I understand since he hasn't seen them in a while. I don't want to be that annoying clingy girlfriend but I also want to spend a little time with Hero. Tom orders some drinks and around half an hour later I can feel my head start to spin slightly. Despite that I take another shot. I feel like I'm floating and that everything in the world doesn't matter.

"Woah woah woah." Heros grabs the shot glass from my hand. "You've got work tomorrow so you can't drink that much." He tells me as he drinks the shot that Tom ordered for me. I roll my eyes, "But you can drink." My words are slurred and his eyes look me up and down. "This is only my second drink. How many have you had?" He asks me and then Tom when I told him that I couldn't remember. "Guys we are gonna go back home soon, she's basically wasted and I'm getting tired anyway." I hear heros voice somewhere in the room, I see doubles of everything for a few quick seconds and I decide that I probably should stop drinking. I lean against hero who wraps his arms around me. I sway my hips against him to the music, he shifts slightly and I turn around so I can look at his face. "Stop moving." I order him and he lifts his hands to his chest. "Very sorry." He says sarcastically before putting his hands back into my waist. I smile into his chest and give in trying to dance, I'm too tired and everything is blurry.

"We are gonna go now, okay?" He whispers into my hair and I nod. "Guys we are gonna go, it was good seeing you lot again." I see him glance over at one of his other friends that was with some girl the whole night, I don't like them very much. I think it's rude that they didn't even bother with Hero and just was each other the whole entire time but I don't say that out loud, despite my drunken mind I'm not up for causing an argument between them.

Hero's POV

Even from the other side of the bar I can see Rachel's dark brown almost black eyes piercing back at me. She's glaring at me and watching my every move as me and Jo make our way to the exit. "Leaving so soon?" I hear a voice shout out. I turn around so I can see the two of them. Jacob has stood up now and Rachel's not far behind. "Yeah. We are." I say bluntly as I push Josephine towards the door. "Well it's was nice to meet you Josephine, hopefully we get to see each other again sometime?" He has a hint of curiosity in his deep voice. "That won't be happening." I tell him sternly. For once I am grateful for Josephine keeping quiet. When I look at her she's not even interested in any of this, she's too busy playing with her fingers.

"Bye Hero." A high pitched voice is heard behind me as I push open the door and hold it open for Josephine.

"I don't like them very much." She tells me, we've barley even left the club and the door is still open so they probably heard her. "Me neither." I mutter under my breath before grabbing her hand. "You okay?" I ask her, she pushes herself into my chest and I put my hand on her cheek, her face is warm and her cheeks are flushed. Her eyes are bloodshot, I don't know if it's from her being tired or from the vodka she had. Probably both. "I wanna go home." She whines and tilts her head back slightly. She rubs her eyes and her mascara smudges down her face. I don't bother telling her.

"I'll call a taxi now." I tell her. She laughs at me and repeats me, "taxi" she mocks me in a fake british accent. "You could just say cab or Uber." She mumbles on to herself as I type in the number. I'm on the phone for a few moments longer than I should have been, arguing with Josephine about how she can't sit on the floor because it has been raining. She did it anyway.

"Get up." I tell her once I end the call. "Make me." She fights back crossing her arms. "What are you, five?" I ask her. "The will be here in a few minutes" I correct myself before she can tease me again. "I'm coming I'm coming." She mumbles. "That's what she said." She bursts into a fit of laugher at her hardly funny joke. She's a mess I think to myself. "Im so funny." She speaks to herself and I want to add a snarky comment but with her mood swings right now she would probably break down crying. "Why wasn't you dancing with me?" She asks me. "What?" Why would I dance with her anyway? "Was you embarrassed of dancing with me?" She pushes further and I want to get out of this conversation desperately.

"No Jo, I don't go dancing at clubs anyway." I tell her, it's the truth. I only embarrass myself like that when I'm off my head. She mutters something that I can't hear but I don't ask her to repeat herself.

A few more minutes pass by and the car pulls up. We both get inside and almost as soon as we get into the car she's passed out on my shoulder. "For fuck sake." I mutter to myself knowing that I'll have to carry her back to my trailer. She snores slightly and I can not wait to tease her about it when she's sober.

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