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I had my eyes on the target. I've been hiding in this god forsaken building for far too long waiting for the right moment to strike. I eagerly wanted to pull the trigger on which my right index finger was resting on. I enjoyed the sight of the mayhem underneath that our soldiers caused and I was glad they weren't failing, though they weren't very subtle with their toys either. I followed the fight between the so-called Captain America and our best Asset, which was taking place between countless amount of cars flipped upside down. My grip on the gun tightened and I squinted my eye to get a better shot. America's golden boy was soon to be gone. I had sight of the Winter Soldier trying to tackle the Captain, desperately trying to turn him in the direction of the building in which I was hiding, so I could blow his face off just in case he wouldn't have the chance to kill him himself. I had aim and pulled the trigger, but just as I made the shot Captain America was knocked on the ground by the Soldier and the bullet from my gun ended up hitting the red star on the shoulder of his arm. "Careful, Sparrow," I heard him mumble threatingly to my headphone set. I had no intention of hurting the Soldier, he was probably the best partner I ever had and I was sure Hydra would find another use for him. I was trying to get a good enough aim again, so I wouldn't end up hurting the Soldier instead. Finally they broke apart and I was just about to pull the trigger, when I heard an almost too familiar voice behind me.

"Don't do it, Katrina." I swiftly shot up to my legs and turned around to see the short redhead I used to care so much about. One sight was enough to get me all dazed and confused, a state of mind which I was not used to. I nodded shortly, "Natasha." Without any further thought I aimed the gun at her, but she was faster and all of a sudden I could feel a sting in my left shoulder which got me to drop the gun down. I fell to the floor and saw the tiny redhead figure getting closer, whispering to herself; "What did they do to you..." 


I slowly opened my eyes and found myself sitting on the cold floor of a dark and damp room. Where the hell was I? I tried to look around and immediately regretted the movement after I felt my head throbbing like a bitch. I instead leaned back and listened. I could only hear the sound of heavy boots soldiers wore, which indicated I was guarded and was most likely locked in a cell somewhere. I only now realized I was wearing a type of jumpsuit, which restrained my upper arms tightly to my body with the wrists tied behind my back. My legs were free to move. I instantly tried to think of an escape plan. When my eyes got used to the dim light of the room I was able to see that one of the four walls that sorrounded me was made of glass. This could made things a lot easier, I was sure I would be able to break through. It's not like I haven't done that before. Now, how to get out of my bonds. I didn't feel any gun straps on my body anymore, which made sense - who in their right mind would imprison an assassin along with her guns? I did feel one thing they haven't removed though. As paranoid and crazy as it seems, I was always hiding a swiss army knife on the side of my sports bra. Who knew breasts could come in handy to a soldier. I tried to switch my position by shifting my legs behind me and kneeled. I used my teeth to try and shift a strap of the bra to the side so the knife could fall out and I succeeded. Afterwards I leaned forward a bit, so it fell all the way down through the straps and landed on the floor in front of me. I cursed myself for not being careful enough, as the knife made a clinging sound, but after a couple seconds of silence no one came to check out the situation so I assumed I was safe. I shifted once again and grabbed the knife in my right palm, pulling out the sharpest blade and cut through the straps. I then managed to cut the one around my torso with ease.

I was finally able to stand up, ignoring the pain in the front of my head. As soon as I was able to evaluate myself to be stable on my feet enough I launched towards the glass wall, preparing myself for the hit. I jumped and lifted my leg up so I broke through the glass and landed on the other side, preparing for the fight I knew it was coming. I shot my arms up and to no surprise I saw five soldiers coming at me. I stretched my neck to the side which left out a loud crack and I even felt a smirk shot up on each side of my mouth. "Let's dance, ladies."

Checkmate (BuckyBarnes x OC)Where stories live. Discover now